Should I just keep a running tab of the gold you owe me?

8th time this has happened to me with some of those sets lmao, I’d have less of a problem with this whole thing if the transmog costs were greatly reduced.

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Honestly, if it comes from the store it should be free to mog. If not because we had to pay extra for it then to make up for years of it being broken.


They need to free mog these.

I wanted to keep on going with a rogue’s mandlorian theme’d mog. Baby murlock not yoda, ofc.

2 remogs later…no. Jsut no.

then I log into another char and she still had hers. It breaks for one…not the other. Odd bug really.


OMG is this what it is? I thought I was going crazy when my banker alt who has the faerie dragon transmog would suddenly revert to the default untransmogged appearances. I thought it was a visual glitch, but a reload and relog didn’t fix it. Paid to transmog it back…and it happened AGAIN just yesterday.

Good to know this is a bug and not just something wrong on my end. Guess I’ll just stop using that transmog altogether…and my thoughts of buying the celestial one via gold/tokens have utterly disappeared now, so thanks for saving me the gold.

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This seems like the simplest and most fair solution.

I don’t have store transmogs, And I would never buy them after hearing they are defective. It seems ludicrous that they sell stuff that doesn’t work


Bump #6
My entire Celestial Observer’s Ensemble again (Didn’t even last a day this time :angry:)
Remog cost: 352g2s71c

You currently owe me: 1,239g 22s and 0c

Honestly, how are you still selling these things, Blizz? You know they’re broken. You’ve known for years. And in all this time your response to the problem has been ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Not a great look. (Heck, probably not even a legal look).

Its been more then a year now…this bug has been going on since MoP…over 8 yrs…when they released those first mog helms in the store…

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May 21, 2022, it is still going on, both the Celestial Observer’s Ensemble and the Sprite Darter’s gear disappear every now and then, costing gold to be re-transmogged back, once they show up as being in your item library. I just realized that it is 119 plus gold to regain my appearance for the select items I have on, ugh, is this going to be an ongoing situation…?
To the Developer/coding staff, please fix the issue or perhaps make any store bought transmog apparal free to actually be used as it is the only type of gear we have to pay real money for in the game. That would solve all issues of losing gold at the transmog vendors.

Something you can farm up in 45 seconds. Not the point, i know i know.

Is it though?

i’ve yet to have trouble with em yet myself even after all these years.

You would think they would get this fixed as its been happening for over 8 yrs now since they introduced those mog helms too the cash shop store. But alas its not and I gave up on using my tadpole back piece we got last year as it keeps being removed from my back piece…regular mogs can stay in place …what’s the difference …

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i heard the Recruit a Friend stuff was glitched too

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It is…one of my guild members has the full complete set and it keeps disappearing all the time it cost a ton of gold to replace again…


My expensive renowned explorer set disappears randomly, so yeah, they found the solution months ago and no fixes have been applied?

better remove /spit and hot chicks from the game tho!11 :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


All that mess of removing that painting and emotes is just trying to show the courts later on that blizzard cleaned up their act is all…which is dumb as all get out seeing you can find all this stuff online easily with fast search …so covering it up is really stupid now .

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Ye, stupid as hell.
we paid the price for their actions.