Should I come out of wow retirement?

I quit to focus on pvp IRL now that I have numerous women, and money, big arms, I feel the calling back to blood dk pvp. I miss my Boos

DF is a PvE game with no focus on PvP. So better to play WotLK. But feel free to check out DF brokeness and maybe have fun? Just is a really unfinished game with so much wrong in PvP it’s not going to be good at all.

Professions look good though in DF. If you want PvP though… log onto Wrath.


I say come back to pvp in game. I’m also a RL pvper. ownd a couple gym bros today in fact. The real battlegrounds are on the mats.


Live your life away from pixels if you have an exciting real life.
Once behind a screen, lifetime is wasted


Arg, is this true? They didn’t learn from the travesty they call Shadowlands!

You would be a fool to buy this expansion until several months have gone by to see if it is horrible or not

I know im not buying it. Blizz can keep their useless cringy dragon flying system

Everything is good except balancing. Hopefully they’ll get it decent soon.

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It’s not like we get to play WoW after we die…

True, but once you’re dying or the doctor tells you, you have a few years left to live, you’d wish you didn’t spend your valuable time playing a computer game
You’d wish you were doing much more than that, and if you start now to live your life, you will be opening opportunities that you’ve never thought of.

Playing video games as a young person is fun and exciting.

But once you have the opportunity to go where you want to go, to do what you want to do, why let that opportunity be brushed aside for a game?

Time doesn’t stand still for any of us.
Time is free, but our life isn’t there to use it forever.

Use it wisely, for yourself and your close friends and family

That really just depends on how you’ve lived life overall. But last time I checked dead people(are there ghosts of people who log in?) don’t play WoW so now’s the time to do it if you want to.

You would make an excellent point for those who don’t live a well-balanced and adjusted life already. I wouldn’t miss worship services and Bible study like the utter vast majority do all the time, nor would I forego family visits.

I guess you’re right.

Everyone is on their own path.
I wish I had an exciting life.
I played wow for 10 years straight when it first came out.

Was great and had awesome game time with real life friends.
But now when I think about it, I realise I could have done so much more during that time if I didn’t put my face in front of that screen.

I’m playing a little here and there now. Because the addiction of adrenaline rush I get and seek. It’s not as strong as many years ago unfortunately.

But whatever makes one happy, is what matters in the end.

I wish you well

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To think that some don’t have a choice, such as those who are shut-ins or have some disabilities. Or if you were like my military self 18 years ago whose options were sorta limited. There’s more to life than drinking and drinking parties as well.

I can say that in hindsight, the “less you have to” play any and all video games the better. But when you have to do it more, it’s not quite as desirable. I’ve never been the kind of person who wanted to do it as a job, and yet plenty still do…mainly for certain social reasons.

I wish you well too! I’m just hoping for Classic Cata now should it come two years next.

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