Should I change convenant ? - Elemental Shaman

Hi there,

I’m currently running Night Fae covenant and Niya as soulbind. Next week, I’ll finally be able to unlock her last Renown Skill (Niya’s Tools : Burrs) which, according to graphs, seems really powerful.

I know Necrolords Covenant’s skill Primodial Wave is strong too and recommended and I keep thinking about swapping Convenant to get it.
I’m running Nathria Heroic with my guild and I feel I could bring someting more DPS-wide.

Do you think I should change for Necrolords even if I’m about to unlock Niya’s Burrs skill ? Does it worth it ?

I am also Night Fae and the choice really hasn’t hindered anything in game that I am attempting to accomplish so I am sticking with it. I also believe later in the xpac when secondary stats increase that Night Fae will be a lot better (I have no data to support this and it is just something based off my experience with Ele and scaling that I expect it to consistently improve)

If you aren’t pushing cutting edge content then you shouldn’t feel forced to change your covenant.

Now that being said. If your are personally struggling dps wise and holding your guild/group/team/personal improvement back and swapping covenants would help you with this then consider it.

My question would be what matters to you and what is your $15/month paying for. Answer that question and you will know.


Niya’s burrs are supposed to be very strong. I can’t wait to unlock them myself! If you prefer the Night Fae over the Necrolords, my recommendation is to stick with what you love. If you switch because it offers better dps, but find you enjoy playing less because you don’t like your covenant, you might find yourself less motivated to play your toon in general… in which case, you won’t be practicing and you won’t be improving because you won’t be having fun.

Night Fae is actually not much worse for ele than Necrolord, depending on what you’re doing. Pure AoE, Necrolord probably pulls ahead, but in single target you may find Night Fae better. In PvP, clearly, the long channel of Fae Transfusion is a disadvantage. However, in PvE, Fae Transfusion may have a lower skill cap for execution (so it’s possible that you might see a dps loss switching to Necrolord).

Also, there’s a pretty big sunk cost in covenants, so I would recommend before switching, looking at other ways of improving. You could use wowanalyzer to record your raids and suggest possible improvements. You could watch some high level streamers to pick up tips. If you’re not using one already, you could use a Weak Aura with a rotation helper built in. I like Kr3b5’s weakauras, although for my taste, they require editing to make the icon sizes bigger.

I am pretty sure you will be able to eek out more DPS, just by improving your gameplay. This video was cool in that he goes over two different players with similar gear/talents/covenants to demonstrate how you could use the same tool to improve your own gameplay:

So, I would stick with the covenant you like to play.

Thank you, I think that what I needed to hear.
I really like Night Fae skills and having strong mobility through Soul Shape, and I really want to try Niya’s Burrs. I think I was confused by Necrolords because I keep hearing/reading Night Fae is not as good, but you’re right, fun is more important right now and I’m not struggling with my dps or rotation atm :slight_smile:

Thanks for the video, I already watched it this morning, it’s really useful !


If you close your eyes and pretend, you can imagine the animal form that leaps forward is your old gust of wind.


Is one of several reasons why I picked Night Fae. It breaks fall damage like blink. I just wish we kept ghostwolf and associated buffs like druids. Plus it is the only way for shamans to get ghostwolf variations.

Gets you out of root beams too.
But yeah, ghost wold needs to be called animal spirit or something with way more to choose from.