Should GDKP be banned now?

Ok so. We ban gdkps. What happens? We lose a good 50-70% of good *edit: alt raiders (if not more) as this is how they have fun in the game. A vast majority of gdkp players are good if not great players with higher skill than the average raider.

Guild runs will continue for mains, maybe even get stronger. But many dont like alt guild raids as they are pressured into passing on any and all gear for mains.

Next the remaining players alts resort to what, soft reserve? Ms>os? Those groups are notorious for being incredibly toxic, either with bad leadership, terrible players who can barely play their class better than a bot, or people wanting specual treatment (hard reserves, payment for tanking services, “dont invite competition”, all boes go to RL, etc).

And then you deal with attrition during the raid. Soft reserve didnt drop? Time to bail. We wiped on a boss? You guys are scrubs my time matters more. 4 people going afk on trash cuz they think they are better than the rest. Raiders rolling on gear thats not for them or their spec, being rewarded for being uneducated about their class with often terrible dps or healing.

That just leads to more people quitting and less raiding as a whole, population dips more, servers die, etc etc.

Gdkps, like em or hate em, are holding the high end raiding scene together for many many players.

lol bollocks

You dont think so? Im not saying they quit outright they just stop raiding as much on alts.

If suggesting im a vanilla only fan, you would be incorrect.

People wanted classic for a reason. And it wasnt to replay old expacs with retail updates. Its idiotic mentalitys like that, that why classic is goin to s***.

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This, the idea everyone running GDKP’s now would just magically start running MS/OS raids is silly.

this is not entirely true. I think most players wanted to replay old expansions as they were in the original. Not in some set of “classic” rules like some players want. Yes, some players want true, original vanilla, with NO auction house and no cross server battlegrounds and have to walk to the battle ground entrance. I would love to see them do that with Eye of the storm. But anyway, those players think they speak for every one and they don’t. I don’t want wotlk or tbc or cata to have the same limitations that vanilla did.

I like many, many others, wanted the old expansions, as they were. EACH AS THEY WERE. not some overall classic set of rules. Does that mean that eventually that would lead back to retail? Yeah, durr. But for anyone that didn’t want to, that is why we wanted servers of each left up. So there are at least 2 different groups right there.

Then there is another group and i find myself in this group sometimes. the other group played most or all of the early expansions and over time they witnessed some of the changes that they liked. and they thought " WOW, this is great. i wish this had been in the game way back then" which leads to " I wish they would relrelase that old expansion but with this new feature". like RDF, transmog, monks… others.

So don’t assume that because you don’t want somehting that you speak for eveyrone or that everyone is required to want what you do.

Oh no, im def aware there is multiple opinions it and everyone is entitled to said opinion.

I never wanted to no ah and what not you mentioned. (People really want that lol?)

The small suttle changes dont bother me. Its the large additions that are unnecessary to me.

This is how runescape 2 did it in like 2008, they banned all trading outside of the AH and made items have a specific value that fluctuated depending on the price of the AH items, so you could only trade a 200 gold item for another 200gold item, for example, there was a leeway of 10%. Needless to say, it was not a popular update at all and went on for about 2 years of people kicking and screaming trying to get it removed, eventually they got free trade back, minus like half of their playerbase

you can only raid an instance once per week. You can throw 200,000g at ulduar and will only let you raid it once and not guaranteed to see anything you want, even after 20 weeks

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