Should GDKP be banned now?

You’re still failing to explain an actual problem though that a gold cap solves. The person making 5k a week is already making well over what they need, raid mats are what a couple hundred a week, so why does it matter? And a gold cap for the person who can’t even be bothered to do a few dailies a week doesn’t help them, so once again why does it matter? Nor does it stop hording, unless they do a full material reset as well every major patch people can just horde consumes instead of straight gold.

And token won’t be removed, blizzard likes its money. If you think they were to stop RMT or botting you were sadly mistaken, blizzard just wanted to get a piece of that pie.

No im not. You dont know what u r talking about. I have only ever been a buyer and i have not ever bought gold. I also have never left a gdkp with more gold than i started with.

Will you ppl that have no idea what you are talking about please stop commenting.

that’s not even possible

This is how its obvious you dont know what youre talking about. If he spends 10k and the pot split is 6k then hes out 4k.

Not every gdkp, not even most gdkps get above a 10k split.


It fixes the short lifespan of the classic play through everyone’s on.

At this point there’s two routes ahead.

Go to cata or restart from classic. I see both options being available and I imagine many will pick a fresh classic trilogy over the RMT corrupted version we have now. Now that said, if the token is in the reboot trilogy many will just return to pservers.

This is what these players that have never tried gdkp dont understand. You can get a lot of gear without spending very much at all. Something that gets overlooked is that most gear is limited by class and there are many times that there are one or 2 players that can use an item so there is not much bidding. I have seen players take 5 pcs easily by bidding a minimum bid of 300g and nobody else bids. There are also a lot of pcs that just get disenchanted.

Out of the thousands of GDKP ran per week across all servers, I’d be willing to bet 95-99% have pots that don’t go above 10k splits.
They see the 1% and think they’re all like that lol

Token buyers don’t play the game with integrity, like me: a guy who attends multiple gdkps a week hoovering up tens of thousands in gold that is definitely not bought and paid for.

The Community: The meta to making gold efficiently is to just buy it, farming is slow and most WoW players are adults with disposable income now.

Blizzard: Okay, let’s give you guys a legitimate way to buy gold.


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In old content?

Stax discord is renown for its big pots.

You won’t get a big pot in a naxx trade chat gdkp hosted by a gold selling mage that boosted people during classic

Which server are they on?
I’ve never seen GDKP go above a 10k pot cut on Ateish.

Stax is faerlina

GDKP used to be called POG but is the same exact thing. Just taking terms from a different game and bringing it over here. Back when we used to run pot of gold runs no one complained. So you get gold and get your goods from it.

But Blizz didnt ban it last time around when it was called something else, no need to ban it now only because it has a new name you dont understand.

HAHAHA thats what you get, I SINCERELY hope that blizzard just adds a real money auction house for ICC because thats what you deserve

id rather have gdkps burn whats left of classic to the ground than have to deal with that personal loot bs

Yeah… not sure why folks are pushing for personal loot when it was an abject failure the first time around.

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Funny how that works. People complain about retail and come to classic and make suggestions to add things from retail. Logic.

why wouldn’t they… if you hate everything about retail, you should not be playing classic

Never said i personally did. Just making a point of logic.

Not sure what point your are trying to make though. “Why wouldnt they?” If i hate retail its for the bs systems that dont exist in classic. So why would i come to classic and and be asking blizz to bring the same things i dislike to here? Makes zero sense.

Maybe u just are not capable of seeng that the ppl complaining about retail are the the same ppl suggesting features from retail be added.

Or is it possible that many if us like parts of retail but dislike the overall gameplay of retail.

Just because some of us arw smart enough to know that vanilla was not perfect and that many changes that happened after vanilla were good changes.

What is really hilarious though, is the sad sad players that claim vanilla was the greatest and every change after is retail, and yet here they are. They have moved on from that perfect vanilla server and are being forced to play wotlk now with all of its retail features.

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