Should Alliance players have any say for what happens to important Horde Characters?

No, it’s just difficult to find one that does sitdown in COVID.

Eww, I thought you were memeing. Applebee’s isn’t that great around here. Outback’s more premium.

More flawed and more tragic but even then had some bright spots willing to fight the good fight namely Jaina.

Warcraft 2 and 3 ended tearing the Alliance apart clearly so that in WoW it could slowly be rebuilt. Hell, we are now at a point in WoW where sans Lordearon every nation that left the Alliance has return(even some blood elves/void elves).

Sylvanas deserves everything that’s coming to her and more, given everything she’s done she’s outlived her life expectancy by a few expansions already.


What happened to the High Elf ancestors in a nutshell;

Night Elves: “Arcane magic is addictive and could bring back the demons. Stop using it.”
High Elves: “No. It’s so powerful!”
Night Elves: “Stop it or we’ll take your magic gear away.”
High Elves: summon magic storm to kill the Night Elves
Night Elves: dispel magic storm and arrest the High Elves
Night Elves: “For reckless use of magic and attempted mass murder, you are banished from Kalimdor.”
High Elves: leave Kalimdor


And you should realize that is no longer possible. The Horde, as a whole, commited an atrocity on par with the scourge or legion against the Night elves. The faction, as a whole, is responsible. But Blizzard decided to scapegoat Sylvanas, so that she alone is being held responsible. With revenge against the Horde being off the table, killing Sylvanas is the only thing we Alliance players will get in terms of catharsis. Please don’t take that away from us.

No. She has to die. Her plans shattered into a thousand pieces, and her soul condemned to damnation.

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I can’t wait for 9.1 to come out, I guess we will see what happens.

They let us kill off two or three of their fancy king leaders and then we can talk.

Till then this Vulpera got nothin for ya.

Sylvanas is an amazing character. I hope just like the OP does that she will eventually return to the Horde and lead the Forsaken again.

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Actually I can only complain Sylvanas with Garrosh. Like she continued to fulfill his plans .
Securing Kalimdor for the Horde.

  • bombing Theramore
  • burning Teldrassil
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And ending the Night Elves as a potential enemy the Horde has to face.

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And the whole story with Shadowlands feels like a bad fan fiction to me .


The one where the Night Elf souls get destroyed after being tortured AFTER being burned alive or the one where Sylvanas gets a redemption?

Where should I start?

I am really huge fan of The Lord of the Rings and Game of thrones. I enjoy nice written stories.

World of Warcraft it’s not excellent, but had really good ones . BFA had only impactful start … but the response was not really there . Shown or written. It was bad .
The character of Sylvanas it’s not growing. It’s just like different authors wrote different the character after Legion . There is a lot of plot where I read something and than just sit there and just think where is the point of this?
And this is not only about Sylvanas. Every Horde leader had schizophrenia and was really different character .(BFA)

And one big question …

If Sylvanas wanted only to make the jailer powerful… why she didn’t just let the legion do it ? Or worked with the Burning Legion . They have caused a lot of death .


There was a scene when she got azerite, and it was supposed to “change everything”.

But I dont know why.

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it was in a Good War, when she touched the Azerite she realized how powerful it was and why it was dangerous. It would change warfare forever and if it fell into the wrong hands it could be devastating.

But of course there are people who think that it falling into her hands would be just as dangerous and that’s a fair assumption.

I mean, I feel like at this point in time, Sylvanas Windrunner is objectively “the wrong hands” for anything to fall into.


The Zelling questline in BfA also adds emphasis to this theme. Zelling was raised right after dying - but his family (and children) saw him only as a monster and fled from him. I think it’s a bit disingenuous to attribute the “forsaken” part of the Forsaken identity simply to Sylvanas’ machinations.

Likewise - as Droite mentioned - due to the Scourge, the Forsaken came under threat from groups trying to eliminate all undead (this is what led to the Forsaken joining the Horde in the first place).

There’s also a tie-in with the fact that most Forsaken are humans or elves and that groups like the Scarlets are predominantly human (and of course, once the Forsaken join the Horde they come into direct conflict with humans as well).

Lastly, the religious component among humans in general is a worship of the Light. The Forsaken - even priests - are physically pained by the Light. That’s not even commenting on the religious doctrines that were pretty prominent in Vanilla.

Except that’s not what the lore shows happening. In BtS they struggled to get people together and even when there, most agreed to part company.

I don’t think for one to believe Calia is a poor choice for leading the Forsaken that they have to believe Sylvanas is unblemished (or even believe that she isn’t deserving of death… or final death… or whatever).

I think it’s clear Blizzard is set on installing Calia as the new leader of the Forsaken. Personally though I find her a terrible choice. She’s resurrected by “the Light” which is different than any of the other Forsaken, who are physically pained by the Light (as an aside, I wonder if her soul is also imperfectly attached). Literally, the power that created her, hurts the people she seems likely to end up leading.

She has also been undead for a very short period of time. Some Forsaken have had interactions where their own race, and even their own families, see them as monsters. They’ve been detached from their primary religions for a period of time. Some experienced being members of the Scourge and the horrific reality of the actions they undertook. She experienced none of this. She was literally raised in Stormwind, by the power of her primary religion, surrounded by people who accepted her. Before that, her experiences with the undead consisted of running from them and losing people she cared about to them.

Lastly, it really does reek of “humanity,” “the Light,” and “the Alliance” coming to save the Forsaken from themselves. It may not be handled in that way, but it does seem colonial, with the pristine “Light” humans saving the savages and whitewashing the trauma that created the race in the first place.

I don’t mind Calia joining the Forsaken. I think there could be some very interesting narratives and she could very easily be developed into a character within the Forsaken ranks. I just feel like it would be out of place to force her into the space vacated by Sylvanas, but sadly, I also expect that to be the case.

And just to be fair, I don’t think the writers have many choices in who to use to fill the void created by removing Sylvanas. Among the undead “heroes” we have Lilian Voss, Dark Ranger Velonara, Apothecary Faranell, Belmont, and maybe Tattersail within the Horde. Delaryn Summermoon is Horde-aligned as well, but that would really be awkward - possibly even more awkward than Calia.

After that you’re left with Calia Menethil, Derek Proudmoore, and Alonsus Faol.

While I dislike the idea of Calia taking charge, and I hope they can come up with a way to make one of the other established characters work, I understand that as of this moment, there really aren’t a lot of great choices.

I’m hoping they decide to fold the Knights of the Ebon Blade in with the Forsaken and let them lead it (though it won’t happen). At least there’d be an influx of new characters with some story behind them.

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even without Calia there are many great Forsaken characters who could take the lead in any forsaken story. For example.

The black bride
Dark Ranger Velonara
Commander Belmont
Apothecary Faranell
Grand Executor Mortuus
Lilian Voss

Yeah, I know why people are turning their nose up, and having a fit over Calia, because it’s repeated to a nauseating chant anytime someone remotely says they like the character, or talks about her merits directly towards the Forsaken.

That said, I’m not going to cover for her again in this reply, because I’ve done it upwards of twenty-five times.

Leaving a void is a problem the writer’s created by having Sylvanas stand for what the Forsaken ‘represent’ which is entirely backwards in my opinion, when one character dies, and the race starts falling into DTs I think it was handled extremely poorly.

I don’t ever buy into this colonial crap or the sexism argument without Sylvanas either, it doesn’t remotely come across this way when you’re not specifically trying to look for that. To respond to your opinion if it looking like that though, is that they obviously need help, and from what I can tell appear to be reaching out, and holding generally animosity for being shunned, ergo when help arrives it doesn’t make any sense for me to be moaning about what form it comes in. Especially when it’s a benevolent hand meant to help them reach a more ‘understood’ platform.

The thing with those other Forsaken characters taking up what she left. They’re sort of interesting, but it’s not through their characterization. I’d argue Nathanos fits the bill more then any of the others suggested, but he’s dead. Idc if he came back to lead either, I would have obviously chosen him as Sylvanas’ successor, with more light shed on any other character besides the Queen.

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