Shorter range makes no sense

Almost like, we’re mid-ranged?

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Yes, but why?

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the same reason why classes are melee?

A lot of arguments are based around skill expression. I’d be very interested to know what percentage of the wow population care deeply about parses and skill expression. I’ve only ever really heard the very top tier players talking aout it.

I’d wager that the majority of wow players care most about having a rotation that feels good, smooth, and intuitive, without high levels of frustration from mechanics (like, for example, being outranged in some situations).

It’s nice to have skill expression for those who enjoy it. I really like the direction they seem to be going with this; having some talents that require greater effort and also having other more passive alternatives in the trees. So long as the difference isn’t too big, I think that’s a very good way forward.

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Whether they care deeply or not, balancing and design decisions are informed by what the best players can do with a spec.

This is why you frequently see people that are performing poorly and want more range adopting this mindset that the range is some sort of unfair tax on them, and they insist that if blizz gave us 15 extra yards of range, there’d be no reason to take anything away.

I’m reality, the spec would become turbo busted in the hands of the best players in the world.

This is why the people that can perform well on the DPS specs generally lean towards not wanting the range to get buffed, because they know that it will come with a penalty, even though they can perform with the spec and kit at the current range very well.

Again why I just want them to make players choose between hover and 40 yds as a choice node. Then everyone can win.


huh how?? healing is binary… you get healed or die… change range has 0 hps… range 30 yards you get healed 150k… range 1000 yards… you get healed 150k

and btw druid says hi at 45 yards


Literally was referencing the DPS specs as I mentioned in the post on at least one occasion.

But since we’re here anyways, this is literally incorrect lol. How much can the healer with a 30 yd range heal the target for if it’s at your stated 1000 yds? How much can the healer with 1000 yds heal them for?

In this example, the first healer heals for zero, and the second for 150k.

Extra range directly results in greater potential DPS/HPS.

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and you don’t see that problematic? healer that can’t do it’s job… ie useless


Lol, did you just admit that you were wrong but just push right through it to try to make your point anyways?

Again, since you seem to be struggling, I am referencing the DPS specs, as I have now mentioned on multiple occasions.

I was simply pointing out that your statement was incorrect. Im not knowledgeable enough about pres to speak to the range there.

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Preservation actually can do its job. I’d personally like extra range on it, but it does not need extra range to do its job.

Devastation and Augmentation, on the other hand, really don’t need range to any great extent. They function as intended.

Okay, and? Preservation is not Restoration Druid.


This is the thing that keeps blowing my mind.

“Druid gets this range why don’t I?!”

Because you didn’t make a druid. You made an evoker. Evokers aren’t druids. Nor are they hunters, mages, or locks.

If you wanted the advantages of those classes, you made the wrong class. You knew what the range was when you made the character.

Having everything the same is boring. It’s okay to not like the kit of something–play something that aligns with what you want.

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By the way, evokers can toss temporal anomaly and it seems to have over 100 yards. You think druids can heal that far?

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Yep you’re absolutely right…my bad… my clairvoyance was off that day and didn’t foresee the issues with new class/encounters… wtf was I thinking!

They should make evoker be a true melee healer… running around and breathing booboos away at melee range.

Yall must be true olympians… cause the mental gymnastics you’re going through are incredible… gold star!

What mental gymnastics might you be referring to?

Blizzard has given Preservation (and Devastation, and Augmentation) more than enough tools to handle their range disparity vs the other ranged classes/specs in this game.


Why do you think it would be ‘busted’ ?

I know that you’ve talked about enjoying managing your toolkit for mobility for dps and I absolutely understand that viewpoint. However, I don’t see how extra range would make the class become too strong. Are you suggesting that with better rotation uptime, the best players (who are probably already getting near perfect uptime in most situations) would start to perform way above other classes?


As currently constructed and with 40 yd range, we would literally have no weakness. In addition to this, we get spatial paradox next tier which would give us an 80 yard range with which to do our full DPS for a time (while literally outranging many mechanics). We also have a TON of mobility being added via hero trees, and some really powerful DR as well.

I don’t really understand how people don’t realize that range is a direct DPS buff. Targets you can’t reach now are dps-able far sooner, while we are punished by basically no mechanics with 100% uptime. There is no world where our mobility wouldn’t take a huge hit for this tradeoff.

It goes without mentioning that no one would be able to touch us in PvP as well (not that Blizzard cares about PVP).


I get that it would be a dps buff, but this would be disproportionately a buff for worse players as you#ve elluded to. My question is more why you think it would significantly buff players already using their mobility effectively and playing optimally.

What’s the problem here? xD

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Yeah that’s fair, it’s mainly because you’ll put those players in a situation where they are less at risk and have to use hover far less at max range. This makes it so that they are never, ever without a button to press to maintain max safety and uptime, where currently you have to be very smart with cd usage.

Any time you buff a class, the returns on the ceiling are far greater than they are at the floor. Even a 5% aura buff, the simplest kind of buff, will be leveraged way more by someone parsing 99% than it is by someone parsing 10%.

And since the game is balanced off of those 99% players, I think you can guess where that story ends…

I see what you’re saying, but I’m still unconvinced. As in, save for a few very rare and exceptional circumstances (for example, when I have the bomb on Nymue), I honestly don’t think that having more range would increase my damage by that much. And though you are right in that the best players will exploit all the advantages they can get, I don’t see them gaining a lot of damage from just a range increase.

If someone can prove me wrong, I’ll gladly concede.


it shifts the damage profiles of specs.

Say a fight you move vs a fight where you can stand still.

The dps tax for every spec is not the same.

Out of range is an evoker dps tax. just as it is for melee.

Why is this form of dps tax unacceptable? People can dislike midrange and go play something with 40 yards.

And if the tax is too high, just buff evoker damage by x %.

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