Shockadin Rework to Dual Wield

everyone confirmed aggrend sneaky char - dual wield shockadin confirmed in tomorrow’s ptr build push

Honestly I don’t love the duel wield shockadin and will be sad if the spec goes that way but if the spec get a bit of attention and becomes a real grownup viable spec I’m still happy

Edit: I still think if they bring dual wield rune it’s gonna be mainly used with the ret tree making the slow 2hand seal twisters mad


i think it would be a smart way to make both sides of the ret paladin discussion happy. people that like the machine gun exorcism style of last 2 phases can flip to shockadin, ret 2h purists can still do that with slow weap seal twist

im sure they could figure out a way to impose a rune selection situation where it would be very unwise for deep ret to take it (attaching it to righteous vengeance, since ret will absolutely want to take the vindication cloak rune)

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Where did you get this info btw ?

I’m memeing because of the extent of his knowledge of lore over several expansions and from warcraft rts’s / providing links and somewhat meaningful references for his points

Btw for lore wise dual wield paladin are everywhere on the scarlet crusade they called zealots


by the light, brother

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Bump please this post is important

Holy shock should put a dot on 5 targets when used. This dot will heal friendly tagets afflicted if it was used to heal a player, or deal damage to enemy targets if used to deal damage. The dot should last 12 seconds. Each tick of the dot should give a 5% chance to reset the cooldown on Exorcism. Exorcism when used on a target afflicted by the dot should have a 100% crit rate. Sheathe of Light should grant its bonus when any damaging spell hits the opponent, as well as from melee attacks.



what a pitifully lackluster set of updates.
warlock saw some juicy stuff though - guess ill lean into my affliction as main

oh AND shaman 2h build got a buff. so incredibly sick.

If they added support for shockadin I would have actually came back. Its clear that they will not support it moving forward so I will be done with my sub as well. No desire to play the same thing over and over again. I’ve played ret pally a billion times so I was really looking forward to playing something new.


i feel your feel

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/10 char

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Man idk what they’re doing if they even want shockadins. Righteous Vengeance doesn’t even proc from Exorcism or Holy Shock anymore.

yea the up to 50% from 30% had me tentatively excited that we were heading in the right ddirection… but they made it worse!

i took another shot / reworked some of my ideas from last week if you could support

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Yeah the more I think about it, if any paladin spec would get WF buff for alliance it should be DW shockadin. I don’t see why they’re trying to make TWO cloak runes for ret and one of them will obviously be better at all times. Even then, having one obvious choice for ret is fine. Also, I think it might actually be better to have DW lean on the exo spam/art of war reset, I was skeptical at first but its probably for the best

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tried to post in pally discord to get some more support but got meme’d right away. guess we’re in the hyper minority / if this is their reaction why would the devs put the work into it when they will just complain

prob sol - i’ll either swap to lock main or be out

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Make holy paladins able to wield staves, pole arms, 2h maces in 1 hand with a shield. Make it lower their attack speed by like 50% and increase spell power by 1 per 2 AP

Now they only come into melee every so often to slap a dude with their 2h weapon with its 6 second swing timer

And they look like the templar’s in d3

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