Shattering Throw


Yesterday on my rdruid I had a warrior hit my shield for 65k then followed up with 2 back to back executes for 20k EACH… by the time you notice shattering throw hit you for 65k you got hit my 1 20 execute already to be hit again in a second. … fun game

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Such a fun game… For those who are actually left.

Which isn’t many.
Clocks ticking Blizz.

You’d be surprised

Google and youtube are very good ways to see it, check out aff locks 1 shot with death bolt, or demo locks 1 shotting with demon bolts, or destro locks using havoc and spamming out chaos bolts back to back that chunk 50-70% of peoples hp bars. literally just look it up

Death bolt and decimating bolt. Go harrass some minors you grease ball freak

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What’s the issue?

This is just hilarious. Warriors already do obscene damage and are the top pvp spec, but now locks are supposed to play Dark Pact because of this ridiculous Demolition talent? Just nerf that talent and call it a day.

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i’m being a realist here, that’s all… if you play a talent that costs you 20% hp that you have to use when you’re in trouble, and you know it’s going to be matched by 1 min shatter that’s going to break the absorb if not worse, what’s the point in playing… if its literally a hard counter?

sometimes you pick the lesser of 2 evils. you can’t as a player snap your fingers and nerf things. if that worked destro/fire wouldn’t of bullied poor s4 bfa warriors, at pillars but that’s just how the pendulum swings… but let’s be real, demolition is no where near the level of full haste chaos bolts and gpyro.

i understand bfa was an ez life for locks and it must feel bad going from s+ tier overlords who can global full vers amp classes to middle of the pack but it’s a diff xpack so time to adapt or die…it’s not like warlocks are unplayable, there’s viable spec/covenant combos…

s2 bfa when arms was complete trash out of necessity i played fury just so i could survive since i had horrible rng with getting the raid gear w/ absorbs… play demo, decimating bolt is a shorter cd than shatter and if a war spends the time casting shatter with tyrant/obelisk/imps they’re going to flop to demonbolts because any little thing can knock down reflect these days, would need shaman to ground or some other class with an external defensive for the war, which would be a longer trade than 1 min… all of that just to pop dark pact, not worth, tho i haven’t even been seeing demo locks playing it anyhow

for the record, i don’t think any war wants to spend 1/3 valuable honor talents on demolition, you just have to vs. locks in case they are running dark pact, and most of the time when i run it they don’t spec for it so all i get to shatter is a fleshcraft, totes exciting and not worth

you dont HAVE to run anything.

just kill lol

play dbl destro like you did in bfa, i had to q into your team so many times one week… i recall a skirm week where i had you on my team and you killed all 3 of the other team before i really had a chance to do anything, i think i got one bolt on a melee trying to kick you and that was my contibution … i think that set the bar too high for most locks to deal with now… maybe if u both pop off a the same time u can relive the glory days… sorry that wasn’t nice, dbl destro was so toxic and that’s when reflect functioned like ground

i’ve been 1 shot by deathbolt before i knew it was even a thing s1 and demonbolts when demo switched to necro and wasn’t sure what decimating bolt actually did. these things are easy to see coming, but you if your partners force stops at the right time they def can facilitate it happening

demo is the chad spec anyway, i tried playing it in wod but the meta jump kept dcing me and my healers got tired of it and i ended up dropping m so my dreams of juicy demonbolts never came to fruition, and now u got them instant, what else can a girl ask for u know

Tbh part of me is relishing how much locks are suffering now for how ridiculous they were in bfa. That being said I feel like Arms right now is pretty much the BFA Warlock of this expansion and needs to be nerfed.

Dark pack should not be able to get deleted by warrior shattering throw. Look at the number of warriors, every 3s game there is a warrior in it!

1.5 sec cast remove the shield and do additional damage, which means 1.5 sec deal 60-70k damage, thats like 5 chaos bolt damage in 1.5 sec, and CD is every 1 min? What a joke, blizz. and how warlock stop it? interupt the physical cast? cast 1.5 sec fear to counter 1.5 sec shatter throwing after he already started casting? use coil to cancel a cast so that warlock lose the only chance to get someone killed?

Warrior shattering throw is by default 3 min CD, should only work for 3 min+ defensive mechanics, which is ice block or bubble. or make it 2 sec cast so that warlock at least have some time to do about it. How many more joke design you want to make?

U should see a demo warrior with full haste amps, shatter is like a 0.5 sec cast and if they sweeping strikes first = bad time

Basically this, I was having fun on my spriest yesterday and a warrior 100-0 me through 50k fleshcraft (no shatter) in 2 seconds, was trying to juke a wind shear and nvm lol dead.

Rets literally can barely break my shield, ww and warrior dmg though.

no, ret is most overpowered thing in the whole game since the beginning fortevewr deaeleteate retPAL>DDIN