Sharing hairstyles between void elves and blood elves please!

Brae, my guy, you’re wasting your time trying to reason with the unreasonable.


I am just the insane person rambling to a wall i suppose. lol


Void elves should have some unique assets that aren’t copy paste with blood elves.

Also, pretty much every race needs more hairstyles, and void elves have a very limited set of choices… and blood elves desperately need some curly or textured hair that doesn’t look like melted plastic.


I think it would be cool if Blood Elves got some of the Felblood Elf skins and hair colors. Maybe an option to turn on a fire effect similar to Dark Iron Dwaves, but green.


Honestly, I have major nostalgia goggles for BC and if you could get felblood looks for blood elves and broken looks for draenei, I would plotz.


Fighting with people who are giving alternate ways for high elves doesnt’ make your support for High Elves a reasonable cause. It just only makes those who wanted to see High Elves into the Alliance Story, High Elven Content for Void Elves or just overall Thalassian Alliance Elves even worst for those who are Pro and Not really Pro High Elf but also Pro Void Elf Players.

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This is a great idea!

Ok off topic but how in the heck did you finally get the Stormwind Heritage Armor Outfit on here? I have been trying to get my armor set for months and still half naked on here.

Ok for my own comment about Void Elves met Hairstyles of Blood Elves.

From the Blood Elves with the Men I only just want 3 to 4 Hairstyles. One is Spikey Hair, Two is the Link looking Cloud Hairstyle, and I guess third would be Spikey long Hairstyle. For the Females would be One Short Hair with a Bun on top, Actually Two Short Hairstyle instead of shaved like Actually like the human female, Another would be Third Hairstyle is Longhair with Ponytail on Top, and finally another set of normal long hair would be nice.

I guess we could trade in 3 to 4 hairstyles to blood elves that the void elves have as well as the beards too.

No idea, I was naked yesterday.

I’d rather see blood elves get some nice new styles that are their own, and for void elves to also get nice new styles that are their own.


We should ask for the real thing - High Elves

Hairstyles are the last bastion of uniqueness between thalassian, I think it would be unwise to have them shared between the two playable groups

We could ask for new hairstyles instead:

Playable Alliance, SC/Highvale/Allerian Elves with new hairstyles

Blood Elves with brand new, unique hairstyles

Void Elves with brand new, unique hairstyles


I obviously want new hairstyles for void elves and blood elves but they also need new high elf and darkfallen RP customizations. Sharing hairstyles could be a solution for these RP customizations.


If we something interesting or atleast normal kind of hairstyles for Void Elves like Legend of Zelda, Elder Scrolls High Elves, Character inspiration like Borderlands Sirens, and etc.


As a belf main, I highly disagree. Void elves hair textures have a really pretty updated texture, all the belf hair is flat. I would love to use the void elf styles on my belf.


Me too. My void elves look way better with the undead skin tones then my blood elf.

I saw this void elf NPC who has a blood elf hairstyle. :face_with_monocle:

Blizzard could also do the same for Void Elf players. :person_shrugging:

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Mini necro aside, don’t NEED em, but more variety for all the races is always great.


Thank you kindly for linking this!

We are literally at the point of using the Atomic Recalibrator to get hairstyles that are lacking on the void elf. The picture was from a guild member who has resorted to a balding void elf with a strange combination to get that look for his elf.

Both Horde & Alliance Thalassian elves should get the same hairstyles across the board to share. Even if a particular hairstyle is not your jam, it will satisfy another player. For that reason, it should be supported and is low-hanging fruit in terms of implementing it (same model).