Yea, agreed. That was just a starting point. Just crazy that it’s happening so frequently.
Its been put in bug report fourm over and over and over .
There is kind of a list of them over in WoW Community Council forum .
There has never been one blue post about it . Sharding or Phasing what ever you want to call it is making the game unplayable . This is most likely my last month my sub is up the 10th of next month . Sharding or Phasing has made weekly’s not doable with out redoing them up to 7 time because they phase / shard away . the most time its taking me to do 1 weekly that is like 5 or 6 hours going afk well I wait for it to re spawn once more . Just to Phase once more . I think its going to kill World of Warcraft , I can not think of any one that wants to waist there time waiting on it to phase back just so they can watch it phase one more time for hours .
I hear this. Sometimes a second shot works other times it can repeatedly make it impossible to complete. I can understand bugs really, but they ignore posts. they moved my post from customer service and did not even respond I have sent bug reports.