Sharding in Stormwind

Sharding is off in Stormwind now


Have a feeling we may be stuck with this for a long time.

It loooooooooks? To be unsharded now? There are a TON of people around, I just hope it doesn’t reset on Tuesday and they have to remember to turn it off again!


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Sorry for anything, I am just trying to help - are you in a different time walking?

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All of Stormwind DCed so I’m pretty sure they just turned the sharding back on again. Kind of makes you wonder how they’ll ever handle things if the player count goes up naturally, Stormwind used to have way more people in it on a regular basis without issues.


And I just did a yell to start some dracthyr walk up too! >_<

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On again as of today.

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For the best. The dock would be unapproachable lol.

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Unfortunately it’s back. I get why and that’s okay but damn, stormwind is dead I wanted to hang out with people before the expansion. ;~;


Probably won’t last long this time since most people moved through SW the first day.

Please remove this, there’s hardly anyone at the docks and most players can now just use the Valdrakken portal.


Have they unsharded SW yet? I haven’t really been in the city much since DF dropped, due in part to sharding making it quite depressing to be in if you get a bad shard - so not sure if we’re free of it or not.

To my knowledge no, they haven’t stopped it yet. Even in previous expansions it’s been ridden of by this point. We need sharding gone on Orgrimmar and SW for WRA and MG.


Still sharded for now. I’ve seen a number of people RPing in the Valdrakken tavern though, which was cool! But I do miss SW.

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Yeah, I think a majority of players got through the boat boss within the first few days of the expansion’s release, and now you have a ton of mages running around able to make portals to Valdrakken. SW and Org being so empty is just sad to see, even if the lag-free experience is sort of nice. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

Sad. I like vibing in SW and just reading random RP when I’m done adventuring for the day. Valdrakken is lovely to afk in (other than the endless dragon roars), and definitely a good place to RP in, but I miss our hub. :dracthyr_heart:

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It’s unfortunate the sharding is still up in stormwind as I expected by now it would’ve been gone/removed not continuing after almost 2 weeks since launch.