Wait… whoa. Did you just dead shame an undead in 2019!?
This addon sounds great. Way better than spamming trade chat.
No this addon provides you menu of every other person in Azeroth forming a group and allows you to click a button to request an invite.
If you think the forums are the same as this, you don’t really have much of an argument here. They are rarely used compared to the scope at which this will be used to the point that this will become a near mandatory addon.
But the same API worked in vanilla so again, your ignorance makes you look foolish.
Doomsaying 101 holy cow.
You’re nuts.
My Naxx gear says otherwise
The same API? What API are we talking about?
I’m looking through the source code now, enlighten me so I can compare the two addons and the API they are using.
Retail is that way.
Christ, dude, I’ve been working with these APIs for 14 years. You just pop in, ignorant as hell, and think you know it all.
Once again, proof requested, and none can be provided.
Same story with you every time dude. Empty claims.
lololol as if you couldn’t farm Naxx till mid way thru Wrath when it was removed to have the new naxx… Hold on, let me go kill LK real quick to equip things and claim I was there during wrath (I was but my point stands)
A good LFG tool will be a nice addon. Spamming trade/general for a PUG works, but it don’t work well.
Not sure if troll or literally believe that. Old Naxx was removed in the pre-wrath launch patch.
I’m for addons but not this garbage. This will change the way we interact for grps and that should not be allowed.
blah blah blah there’s an addon I won’t use therefore nobody should be able to use it blah blah blah.
you are pathetic.
For every other addon, this point is fine.
For this one, no.
Are we surprised the site responsible for most of the min/maxing in WoW is out there promoting a min/maxing addon?
So does anyone else (e.g., yours truly) get to rummage through your addons and cast out the ones that are found unacceptable? Daft concept.
None of my Classic addons change the way I must interact with the world or people. They don’t fundementally change anything. My bar addon doesn’t do that. OmiCC doesn’t do that. Shall I go on? Tell me a Classic addon that changes how I normally interact with groups?
If you truly believe this addon will no affect other people who do not want this functionality in the game, then I can understand why you would think we shouldn’t voice our opinions on it.
There are those of us that do believe it affects those who do not choose to use it, and for that reason we don’t like it.
That’s all I’ve got left to say. We’ll see who Blizzard sides with.