I mean rogues suck rofl
“A little”…200-250 lower than the higher end classes is not “A little” lol. Since you don’t actually play a Ranged Hunter I don’t think you understand the significance of being as low as a Frost Mage or Ranged Hunter when it comes to raiding in Pugs.
I explained this in another thread but I’ll go ahead and repeat myself.
bro i play resto sham. i dont care about any of the parsing stuff. do you feel like you arent contributing? if so maybe step up your game.
Healers literally…do not matter. There aren’t enough of them and you’ll always be taken even if you get carried.
same with rdps lol.
Having high end DPS will make a raid go much smoother than a subpar healer. Higher DPS, bosses die faster, means no mechanics, means easier time in general.
Yea my purple 90 parses are just trash…Pugs after spamming for “LFM RANGED DPS” even seeing these parses and my Ranged Hunter having 476 iLvl will still just ignore me when messaging them…simply because I am a Ranged Hunter.
You have no idea how badly Pug leaders want to be hard carried by Meta comps.
the fact you think shamans are subpar because they cant pad aoe says a lot.
I’m just going off what you said…
I thought you insinuated Resto Shaman was trash.
So what’s the easiest, most braindead healer class? One that requires no thought.
I literally have no idea, if I had to guess it would be a Priest. But I don’t play healers.
I’m going out to celebrate tonight after reading how the nerf bat came down so hard on you fotm Shamans. Grinding WSG to exalted though straight pvp was a beyond a nightmare.
I don’t main Shaman
why does every numbskull like you think that because we are shaman, we are immediately fotm rerollers? Brainpower is hard for little warrior
nah just that if you only look at the total hps of logs they look bad. infinite mana and 2k overloads is pretty good, but a lot of shams would rather be able to pad HPS on raid damage than have that kind of power because of wcl brain or the lack of log comprehension.
All these P2 FOTM shamans with BFD Logs…
lmao im here for shaman tears
part of it likely has to do with hunters in p1 being by far the most played class(still might be?) so a lot of those raids likely already have a hunter or two in them and dont wanna compete.
You nailed it. It was disgusting to sit and watch some players defending something that was destroying the game for a lot of players. Alliance because they had no answer for Enhance Shamans, so most stopped queuing up for bgs and had nothing to do outside of raid, level alts and farm gold. Horde, because everyone rerolled Enhance along with Alliance not queuing was causing high queue times. A complete mess. A complete mess Blizzard ignored.
For those that stuck it out as Alliance grinding rep, you’re insane but I salute you anyways.
Anyone want to make a group to kill some shamans to celebrate? I’m on Crusader Strike now from Chaos Bolt. My name is now Polii.
Alliance with no answers lmao.
When did they remove bubble from paladins again?