Shaman / Warlock Tank

Sorry, I thought we played games to meme and have fun lol.


Much appreciated guys :purple_heart:
You filled out some of my thoughts in Shaman/Lock tanking :hugs:

I doubt you’re playing a shaman tank, if you would be, you’d know they’re are not horrible.

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In terms of dealing AoE Threat: Oil of Immolation, healing/mana potion, Dark Rune/Dem Rune, Goblin Sapper Charge.

Also make sure you go into fight prepared: Lightning Shield, Thorns, Gift of Arthas, Dragon breath Chili, Force Reactive Disk, Crusader enchant.

You don’t have to do everything I listed, but just beware of all the options out there and pick the ones that best fit your situation. There’s also a shaman tank reddit (/r/shamantank) if you’re interested to learn more.

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If you can have a lock tank Twins or Ouro I bet a shaman could do it if he really geared for it
 But then so could basically any other ranged class. Def a gimmick.

Basically any fight a shaman can tank, pretty much any other class could “tank” as well

Warlock Twins tanking is for the caster only, and the Shaman just can’t hold nearly as well while taking pretty hefty damage. Shaman trying to imitate Druids/Warriors on the melee Tank just explode.

Warlocks on Ouro aren’t actually Tanking anything, they’re staying above the actual Tank on threat, but because Ouro can’t move, Ouro just melees the highest melee range only person. You use a Warlock here because it lets the Warlock get targeted for Sand Blast, which gives the Warlock time to out range the cast, letting everyone keep pumping without any threat resets. Warlocks don’t actually take any damage.

Oh yea, I didn’t think any would be crazy enough to try that lol. That’s still one of the only bosses I’ve seen just one shot a Naxx geared tank.

I mean, maybe it’s semantics but you could argue they’re “offtanking” Ouro. So you could almost have a full run with just a warrior main tank on Emps and Ouro in theory. Skeram would be easy enough, Sartura really doesn’t get tanked much anyway, Fankriss and Huhu die fast and dont hit that hard and Cthun doesn’t get tanked (and you could just stun/range the vines.)

But still point being
 its a gimmick any class could replicate given enough effort and coordination.

Oh for sure, people go in wearing their leather-daddy outfits thinking they’ll just bebop on through it and they get Unbalancing Strike + Critical Hit and go splat. I’ve only ever beefed up my Twins tank set, never gone the other way.


It is more akin to kiting than Tanking, like what various classes do on Gluth with the adds. Paladins are particularly adept at the Ouro cheese strat if you have enough classes to buff with GBoK.

There’s really only one person I’ve seen get actual logs of trying to do exactly this and they don’t even actually manage to do even this much. They pick up Skeram clones alright but they aren’t placed on Sartura herself, but one of the first adds to die, and they aren’t put on Lord Kri either (who would absolutely annihilate a Shaman). Fankriss was tanked by the Shaman, but because Shaman threat was so abysmal, they had to actually swap him out because his stacks got that high and DPS couldn’t go all out. Huhu he just flatly died to the stacking DoT, again because DPS had to hold way way back.

I mean sure, with enough time and effort and luck, anyone can probably get enough favorable circumstances to net a win, but if that’s the minimum standard for Tanking then the minimum standard for DPS is 0 since you can technically kill bosses while undermanned.

Thanks Caperfin :metal:
I’ve seen some of your sources in Shaman & Warlock tanking, and while I understand all these consumables and external buffs can definitely help us tank (in whatever class), I’m quite lazy when it comes to this.

My thoughts in considering tanking go so far as pre-raid dungeons, and mostly in the form of a pug.

Tanking on the warlock (and the shaman) sounds amazing, to shake up the meta effectively, though functioning well without external buffs, and without consideration from the group may be an uphill struggle :purple_heart:

Voidy is 10 percent with master demo for physical damage. Soul link transfers 30 percent to voidy.

Also in Grull’s lair.

by the way this is about to stop existing its the balance druid that is about to take place this is the true tank meme in tbc . You litterally lose all your treat as a shamy in tbc

Yeah, but Soul Link isn’t real DR. It’s fantastic for PVP, but in PVE? The healer still has to heal your Void or it dies, and then you lose the Soul link DR, AND the Master Demonologist DR. When I tank on my lock, I don’t even cast Soul Link. Most things you don’t even need much DR for, and if you do, you chug a stoneshield pot.

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By definition, they are.

The one guy who forced his guild to let him “tank” in AQ40 couldn’t even do the place

Why are you listing excess consumables that don’t even bridge the gap between a Shaman and a real Tank, let alone a Shaman and any real Tank actually using consumables themselves?

Nothing you linked actually helps things stick to you because all of that combined doesn’t outpace Mage/Warlock AoE. That’s why Tanks use AoE Taunts for significant sized pulls, and you can’t afford the buff slot for most of this. I haven’t had Thorns active on my Druid in months.

If they ever do a Classic+, Elemental shamans, beastmaster hunters, and demonology warlocks should be able to tank effectively. Thus, both factions will have access to 5 tank classes instead of 2 or 3
 and the number of pure DPS classes will be reduced to 2.

Im doing it man, almost 55 on my shaman.
Its fun and all and its better than spamming for a tank for stuff like zf, mara or st
But its pretty bad

Just gotta make do with what you have, and in the boosting and raidlogging meta its better to just play a garbage tank than no tank at all.
Pretty fun actually

Awesome to hear!
I’ve been getting my Shaman up and running, still low level, and curious about talents.

The threat from a 21/30/0 sounds appealing, though the utility and ability to heal (swapping gear) if the group has a tank might be good to with 0/30/21, but I do work about aggro.

Awoken, are you dealing with threat issues and having the need for consumables?

it’s a meme but Soul Link + Master Demonologist with voidwalker is 30% less damage taken and 10% less physical damage, with intensity and improved searing pain you could probably tank dungeons

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I am just comfy leveling as a generic enhance spec I dont think too much about consumes or the spec itself honestly just let the char sit in town and burn its rested every now and then either in dungeons or questing.
aoe packs are troublesome but I just accept that most classes in the game are tough enough to be able to take some hits in 5 mans and not worry too much about it and depending on the damage its sometimes not feasible to peel
Single target threat is pretty decent though, and it really helps to bring a hunter or pet class that can use their pet to tank small mobs.
Ele is probably better for threat, seems to do more damage as well

I mean its pretty bad, however the alternative is spamming lfg for a tank for an eternity, so have to work around with what you have and there is quite a bit of fun to that.

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