Shaman Tanks...A Classic Project

I couldn’t agree more! Shaman tanking has been supported in classic, lore, mechanics, and class thematically. It’s my personal mission to revive Shaman tanking and bring it to retail wow! I personally would like to see a 4th spec named “Earth Warden”. Utilizing our dusty shields, and powerful totems to support our defenses/team.

Haha No, you’re referring to me! That’s hilarious. I wish there was a way to prove it, but I’m thrilled to see others taking up the mantle and being heard!!

Believe or not, this is actually true! This has been documented with footage for many years. There’s an excellent Shaman Tank named Totemtank. You should Google his tank guide for an interesting read. He personally tanked ALL 5/10 content pre-raid. This also shouldn’t take away from warriors. They were absolutely better at tanking. Undisputed. Also doesn’t mean Shamans couldn’t xD

Lastly, I want to invite anyone interested or concerned with there topic of Shaman tanking to search up my thread specifically about this as to avoid thread clutter on the shaman forums.

But…its not what “we” want.

What is the negative to your Rogue if Shaman are made tank viable? When the term “we” is used its in the context that those who support the change qualify. In your case it does not apply as you are someone dedicating time to go against the suggestion for an unkown motive.


Well said.

This man is right, this not what WE want. Its what a few people want, that make a new thread daily, rather than keep it to one thread. The MAJORITY of shaman are fine with them not tanking. You dont even see people talk about in Trade or LFG chat on Live. Thats how little a concern it is for the MAJORITY of shaman.

We, the MAJORITY, in this case defined to as opposed to or indifferent to Shamans tanking, dont want or need or are uninterested in Shamans getting a 4th spec.

Leave Shamans with 3 specs. No 4th tank spec.

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I’d argue that you are wrong. I watch the shaman threads every day. There are about 5 people trolling us for no reason. They’re not interested in shaman tanking (which is fine) and decide they should rain on our parade.

If you actually went through the threads and counted… it’s not even close. As of yesterday there were literally 7 threads about this on the front page. If this isn’t an example of demand then I don’t know what is. But to your point I have actively advocated that we keep this discussion to one thread to reduce clutter. I agree. We don’t need 7 threads to get a point across.

If you want to continue this useless song and dance then feel free to take it to this thread here! You are only helping because your point is moot.

Hahahaha, the more moot point is leveling a Shaman requesting to tank. Thats whats moot. The only people that talk about Shamans tanking, are the 7 people that create new threads daily.

No one in trade
No one in LFG
No one on Shaman Streams
No one but these 7 people that make daily threads.

Every new thread, I’ll go ahead and redundantly state NO for Shaman Tank Spec, since each thread is redundant in its existence.

I have already stated my reasons, whether you agree or not, on that thread you linked. I dont need to go in there regularly to reign on your parade. I’m fine with the discussion continuing, but as you agree, we dont need daily new threads by the same people on it.

Not yet my archenemy friend… Not yet xD

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Trade and LFG are not typically used to discuss what people want in class design, nor are streams.
Occasionally streamers will talk about what they like/don’t like about their spec, but nothing regarded classes gets that much discussion on streams unless it’s something so bad that it’s making them switch to something different or is a response to a chat question.

I’m currently testing it right now

No on shaman tanks.

I’ve already tanked wc, and rfc on classic. makes me want a shaman tank on retail already.

People prefer warriors and druids on classic, looking forward to 9.0 without a shaman tank spec.

Shamans can tank just fine in classic. The problem is finding a group that will allow you to tank.

Druids are the worst tanks, btw. Paladins with a shield spike are fantastic for aoe.

So it was a poorly designed tanking class. The Horde only has 2 tanking classes while the Alliance has 3. That is a clear faction preference.

If the tanking spec was redesigned that actually addressed it’s known deficiencies. Perhaps, adding a mechanic from Priests, the Shaman becomes a stone elemental at a particular health limit for a specific time period. Increasing their durability, might solve that problem in one spell.

I just had a tank, I believe name Niconicoplz, run one of the smoothest BRD’s I’ve ever been in.

He was a Shaman…

He seem to have all the gear you’d expect a Shaman Tank to have, didn’t lose aggro.

Mana is a thing though…

I think the class is fine to tank some dungeons and OT certain bosses but obviously Blizzard never intended them to be a legitimate tanking class. Still looked super fun and the DPS output in combination with his tanking ability was quite surprising.

Mana is the big issue.

Blizz actually did intend on them being tanks; or as much of tanks as paladins and druids. If you look at each class warrior, shaman, paladin, druid from your viewpoint nothing but warriors should be tanks. However the other 3 are more than capable of actually tanking effectively on majority content outside some raid bosses.


If they were going to go back and look at making paladins and shamans more viable a tanking option, they would need to look into adjusting some of the gear to give us some gear that gives us more mana an regen to keep out pools higher. now doing that for two classes i could see them feeling it would be warranted (but it would need to be both so that the tank pop stays pretty similar choice wise). Some of the short comings of shamans could be dealt with via talents, or even totem usage , such as buffing up their lacking armor via their totem usage.

Now issue is i would rather see it be done as a separate server type. So that we have the classic untouched server with no changes, as well as a modified server type that has some changes made to it. such as modifications to some under performing, or unfinished classes, gear (we would need some modification to gear for some classes), and also just added content like content that had been cut yet planned for classic (depending on the cut content the amount of work needed could vary as some had assets finished).

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Well, your 100% full of sh&t. Tanked 5m to 40 with no issues. Prolly could’ve kept going, but didn’t want to farm the appropriate gear.