I couldn’t agree more! Shaman tanking has been supported in classic, lore, mechanics, and class thematically. It’s my personal mission to revive Shaman tanking and bring it to retail wow! I personally would like to see a 4th spec named “Earth Warden”. Utilizing our dusty shields, and powerful totems to support our defenses/team.
Haha No, you’re referring to me! That’s hilarious. I wish there was a way to prove it, but I’m thrilled to see others taking up the mantle and being heard!!
Believe or not, this is actually true! This has been documented with footage for many years. There’s an excellent Shaman Tank named Totemtank. You should Google his tank guide for an interesting read. He personally tanked ALL 5/10 content pre-raid. This also shouldn’t take away from warriors. They were absolutely better at tanking. Undisputed. Also doesn’t mean Shamans couldn’t xD
Lastly, I want to invite anyone interested or concerned with there topic of Shaman tanking to search up my thread specifically about this as to avoid thread clutter on the shaman forums.