Shaman tanking in phase 2 - Voidreaver

Careful, getting into definitions sets some people off in wildly odd ways. The way many of them approach it is that you only have to have aggro and not be dead. Never mind this includes things like kiting, I’ve had folks like Bonerover and others tell me that kiting is tanking and… yeah…

The same reason some people were super duper mad about the change in talents from Wrath to Cata to MoP: they want to be unique and even if they horrendously underperform they still want credit for trying things the “hard” way. These are the same folks that want to build a pure Spell Power Hunter and call it viable, while also arguing the only thing required to make them viable is that they were present for a kill.

Participation trophy mentality I tell ya.


Correct. A BIG thing you’re missing is…


Were you taking damage from the boss intentionally that the raid was expecting? Or were you just being bad and pulling aggro and/or wiping?

The Shaman was pulling aggro with intention of redirecting the boss damage to themselves. This was also expected by the raid because of the Shamans predetermined role for the fight.

Told ya. If you just really WANT to be something, you become that something.

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This is a video game. What accolades are you trying to validate yourself with now 2nd?

The Shamans intention was to enjoy the game. You clearly use it to define something in your life that you’ve failed to achieve.

Are you winning real trophies playing this? Does your mom have a picture of you with your in game achievements on her fridge?


Because it’s not viable and shouldn’t be promoted as viable.
While it’s no reason to be rude to others for trying stuff out, it’s silly to think that a shaman tanking Void Reaver is indicative of anything when an SL warlock wearing season 2 arena gear could tank it just as well, if not better.
Void Reaver isn’t called “Loot Reaver” for no reasons.


Balance Druid shifts into bear form, growls at Kael’Thas (or whatever)



Did there really need to be another thread about this? There is already a over 900 post thread that is going no where about if shammy’s can tank or not.


How is it not viable? They killed the boss and that’s the only goal. It’s not efficient by any means but obviously Shamans can tank content if given the right team.

It’s a new thread on a new fight a Shaman tanked.

Ya and it seems to be going down the same rabbit hole of drama so enjoy yourself I guess?

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Yes. People are overly offended by how others enjoy the game.

I completely expected this and told the author a few times this would happen.

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Literally any class can tank Void Reaver if “given the right team”. :roll_eyes:
You can kill Loot Reaver with a group of 10 people “given the right team”.

Point is, stop promoting shaman tanking as something viable when it clearly isn’t.


Do you have videos? Or are you just making up false scenarios to make yourself feel better?

There is a video above of an actual shaman off tank.

If you have a video of another class tanking it I would love to see it. The game is meant to be enjoyed and you don’t have to follow rules to do that.

The only people wasting time pretending to be a tank are the few shamans who think wearing a shield and frost shock is reason enough to be a tank.

It doesn’t take a genius to know that a warlock in Season 2 arena set gear having 30% reduction from armor, 10% from master demo, 20% from soul link, 3% crit reduction from talent and searing pain increased threat can easily hold agro and take the same amount of damage that shaman takes. Why are warlocks not doing this? Because warlocks aren’t delusional enough to think they are tanking anything other than Leotheras.


I just feel bad that you can’t enjoy a video game.

Hopefully someday you realize your creativity doesn’t have to have constraints.

If I saw a Warlock tanking VR I would appreciate it. Not get my panties in a bunch.

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You’re the kind of person who defends someone joining a BG as a prot paladin aren’t you?
“It’s just a game bro.”
If your fun comes at the cost of other people fun, maybe you need to self reflect on the idea of what a multiplayer game is.

If his guild has no problem with him doing this, by all means, but the dislikes on his video and the backlash he gets on this thread shows that other people don’t want or care for shaman tanks and don’t want people randomly spreading the idea that shaman should be trying out tanking.


Yes. He’s said his guild has fun. Society will always have people who get offended by other people having a good time. It’s just human nature.

If you feel like you’re going to be forced to play with a Shaman tank, not just you, re evaluate your priorities and goals for playing this game. Most of us are adults that can, and should, make our own decisions.

But if you find your blood boiling because someone posted a video of a shaman tanking some 15 year old content, you should probably seek professional therapy to figure out why you’re so angry.


Always the juvenile excuse…

I thought you were putting me on ignore? Why you always lying?

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I keep seeing Hidden Comments so I know you’re just crushing hard for me to give some attention subpar druid.

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Yeesh… unhealthy

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