Shaman Tank Spec

well if you look at a some of the Shaman abilities they generated threat so it looks like they were trying to decide if shamans should tank.

Personally i would love a tank spec for shamans that way i can stay on my favorite class and dps or tank. But it would have to be a 4th spec for Shamans.

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Thats what they said and then look at druids.

And yes I want it to happen so i can tank and dps on my favorite class.

Why would a 4th spec be based on vanilla when we are no longer in vanilla? THAT makes no sense.

Also, this has been suggested a million times and as much as you’d like it, I can assure you it will NEVER happen.

Because that’s the og design of every class. Blizzard came into this game with an idea for every class and enhance was very clearly designed with tanking in mind.

Very unlikely. I honestly think they will put another class into the game before they do a 4th tank spec. One can wonder though.

No, that’s how the classes WERE, not how they are NOW. How they were in vanilla is irrelevant.

The first page is not what the game is balanced around. Exceptional players will be able to make anything work, they are the exception not the rule.

Ask any other top PvP streamer how much the top 100 matters in terms of balancing.

Right because ELE is picked into COUNTER Mages and Locks. How many comps do Feral and Hunter have? :thinking:

How many comps have a Mage or Destro in them? :thinking:

Again the top are the exceptional players, not what the vast majority of players can do with a spec or class, you and myself included. Again, the exception not the rule.

Uhh what? OHHH I SEE WHAT YOU DID. You organized the ladder to exclude EU to skew your statistics in your favor. That makes sense now, sorry I thought we were talking about what a class can do in both regions. Smexxin is ranked 30th in the US btw, not top 25.

Because the fact is if you look at what the WORLD is doing, the highest rated ELE is in EU at #28, Smexxin is #66, and you have 3 in the top 100.

For future reference, when you mention top 100 in the ladder, be sure you only mean half the playerbase for your skewed statisitical data.

Again skewed statistics, eliminating EU from the entire ladder. Again only 3 in the top 100. IN BOTH REGIONS. And what did I say was the stat for overall, 2.3%? Yeah that seems to be reflected in the top 100.

Ohh so now its not S-Tier as you have been claiming for multiple post?

Theres 4 Ferals in the top 100 and 3 Boomies in the top 100. So that must mean that Feral is more “A-Tier” as you are now regressing and saying ELE is, and Boomie is equivalent. So you cant even back your claim on ELE being the best caster after lock and mage, since they have the same amount in the top 100 as ELE.

As a matter of fact, by your definition of the first page meaning everything in the US only, then Boomie is better than ELE since the highest boomie is ranked 8 and the highest ELE is ranked 30. In the US there are only 4 in the top 100. Just 4. With only Smexxin being in the top 50 at 30th.

You’re kidding right? They still have this as an esport, you better believe that’s who they balance around. Definitely not the lower half :roll_eyes:

You really think they’re gonna tell you to balance around noobs?

It was picked into more than that :roll_eyes:

Man you’re so troll, he’s 20th.

Your numbers are still super weird and outa whack sooo…

Top tier. Did you see me spamming a tier? Certainly nowhere near b teir like you claim :joy:

Anyways I’m done with your weird convo man, you can feel like you win, I could really care less.

That’s literally what I’m saying :roll_eyes:

Lol is it 100% relevant to current day? Never claimed it was. To pretend that the original class design is completely irrelevant is also kinda silly.

Does shaman not still have not have wf? Totems? Yes a lot of the og design is still there from classic. Did they slowly prune away the tanking parts of it? Yup. What people are asking for is all that removed stuff to be put together into one tank spec. It was there at the beginning like a lot of stuff.

Again, unlikely, but wishful thinking is wishful thinking :thinking:

You must be kidding if you think the game is balanced around what .5% of the population is able to achieve. :roll_eyes:

You really think they’re going to say the game is balanced around .5% of the population? :roll_eyes:

Such as? Or you just going to give more hyperbole. :roll_eyes:

He’s 30th according to arenamate .com. I have several times stated my source, you have yet to state yours. :roll_eyes:

So you refute hard statistical data with this? “outa whack” Fascinating argument you have here. :roll_eyes:

Again no where near A Tier or S Tier. For future reference TOP TIER means exactly that. The TOP TIER is S-Tier. You should learn how express yourself clearly using written text. :roll_eyes:

You think I actually care what you care about? :rofl: :joy: You actually think I care about “winning”? What ever that means. All that matters is accurate information not misinformation being spread like, ELE is Top Tier aka ELE is S-Tier. :rofl: :joy:

You can’t even give accurate data or site your sources to support your claims. Clearly there is no need to continue.

The reason I am saying paladin is because it was the original alliance side class as shaman was horde. Druid was available to both as were all other classes

If we look at Mistweaver Monk, they have talents for both traditional healing as well as Fistweaving, Holy Paladin too is like that on this regard. Talents alone can dramatically change play style.

Similarly, if Enhancement Shaman has two dps talents and one tanking talent per row, that’d allow them to become an (off) tank should they dedicate themselves to it. Those survival talents could also inflict penalty on personal damage, to prevent abuse in PvP. For example:

Thrall’s Resolve
Armor +200%, damage -50%. The shaman generates more aggro.

Runetotem Endurance
Your magic damage gains 20% leech but do 20% less damage. They also generate 50% more aggro.

Frostwolf Guidance
Your wolves gain 200% more hp, and 50% of all damage you take are transferred to them until they die.

What do you suggest? How will this new Shaman Tank spec fit into the current Tank meta? What does a Shaman tank bring to the table that the other tanks don’t?

I really want to see a Shaman earth themed tank spec as well. In fact I think that they ought to look at adding specs to every class rather than trying to give us another new class every other expac or so.

If I’m not mistaken we were ‘due’ for a class in Shadowlands and it sounds like we’re not getting one - we ought to be getting existing spec options for existing classes instead, in my humble opinion.


u had be a for a second until u had a -50% damage reduction. change it to 10% less and well be good. tanks can do damage too you know

Maybe something like a pet class tank… Something where we summon an Earth ele permanently that we split damage with? Our wolves we can summon and can taunt off us for when a boss is doing a particularly big attack.

Maybe more absorb based with something like current earthen totem?

Just some ideas. Don’t think it will happen but we can wish :joy: I’d love to play a kt or tauren earthen tank shaman.


I’d play an earth-based tanking shaman if it were available.


If Shamans had a tank spec I would not change my class at all. In fact the only reason I am looking at doing so was so that I could tank when needed next xpac


I really hate ‘Lore’ as a defense not to put something players want into the game. A tank spec would be ‘new’ and therefore part of the ongoing modern ‘Lore’. New ‘Lore’ is added to the game every expansion and becomes canon and players just accept it.

Here’s some made-up ‘lore’ off-the-cuff for you to show how easy it actually could be to add it to the game:

“Shamans are adapting to a new Azeroth that has been invaded repeatedly and almost destroyed several times. Communing with the ancestors and elemental planes has given them new insight on how to harness the power of Azeroth’s earth, stone, and gems to make them more resilient to damage and prevent enemies from ignoring their stony grasp. New “Earthwardens” are emerging from the ranks of Shamans everywhere to help defend the old ways; protecting Azeroth and it’s champions from future threats.”

Boom. Done. Hype. Please add it to the game. Kthxbye.


Two things that I would love to see and that I would permanently reroll to shaman for. First, a tank spec/talent. I have always been enthralled with the concept of an Earthshaker shaman defending his(her) allies with totems, rocks and lightning. I just love the flavor. Second, the ability to use a two-hander. I fell in love with two-hand enhancement in Vanilla when I saw Unbreakable’s PVP video. I immediately started leveling a shaman with dreams of wrecking people in BGs with a two-hander and Windfury one day. I had a modicum of success and loved every minute. After the spec switched to two one-handers I quickly lost interest and moved on to warrior.

Now is the perfect time for Blizzard to consider adding both of these options to the shaman class. There are a few benefits to the game. First, adding an additional tank class, even if it is not viable in end game, will lower LFD and LFR que times. Second, adding an option to wield a two-hander, again even if it is not viable in end game, adds a choice for those who like the flavor like me. Third, adding these may give incentive for people to continue playing the game. I have played the game since Vanilla and maybe it is just BfA or where I am in my life, but nothing about the game feels fresh and exciting anymore. I am still on the fence about Shadowlands until I learn more.

However, there is a drawback. Blizzard is a publicly traded company, and will do whatever is in the best financial interest of its shareholders, not necessarily its customers. Development time and cost compared to revenue generated is the primary consideration. These alterations have some time and cost and some X amount of potential revenue that cannot be accurately determined except by the developers. If the developers compute that making these changes will not exceed their investment hurdle rate, then they will not make the changes. Since, it is a minority of the player base that would want and be vocal about these changes I do not expect the changes to be made.

It is a foolish dream to think that one could play as a shaman tank with a two-hander. I have been dreaming for a long time, but I am still comparatively young and will keep dreaming.

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the difference between druid and shaman as far as tanking goes is that every expansion blizzard expanded on the tanking capabilities of druids while phasing out tanking for shaman. for druid it got to a point that they had to separate cat and bear, and cat has suffered ever since. its at a point now where they could just delete cat spec and it wouldnt mess anything up.