Shaman palyers, Get you ptichfork: Shaman Talent Tree Updates on War Within Beta (Spoilers I guess)

Well what you think By reading wowhead, it bad so… how bad is it for you shamans?

  • Slightly better utility.
  • Poison Totem still sucks.
  • Stoneskin Totem is an ‘absorb shield’ now… Thanks, no details or anything.
  • Primordial Wave is still a thing, why won’t it die?
  • They nerfed Elemental Blast…

Why? What is this ‘rework’ for Enhance Shaman?

I didn’t see anything on improving the spread of flame shock


I’m not qualified to speak on the Elemental or Restoration changes.

Enhancement changes amount to two nerfs. One to our big spender’s damage directly, and the other to moving a previously mandatory class tree throughput talent into our already point-starved spec tree.

Class tree changes look overall positive, even if there are still some lame-os. 5% DR for having an elemental active, when Earth Elemental is literally the only elemental available to 2/3rds of the class, with all the problems summoning a tank pet to give us a self-defense buff already entails in group content? lol.

Even then, the class tree updates feels largely like just catching us up to where most classes were a year or more ago.

I Still get feeling that Shaman not getting Any love or any thing good I hope blizzard address that.

I can hear shaman players both on wowhead and soon here:


Why did they gut maelstrom generation for elemental? Like massively reduced. I’m no ele expert but didn’t really see anything that would offset that.

Well Bring you torches and Pitchfork case they just drop this

So if you want to save the shaman… now well now is time give them feedback fallow by


Best guess is it’s meant to somehow be a response to the current plight wherein Maelstrom is so unimportant to Elemental that they routinely continue spamming their builders while at max MS instead of spending any? Like, if MS generation is nerfed enough to make reaching cap take substantially longer, maybe they can buff spenders enough to actually be worth casting?


Elements guide our devs

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Looks like they already knkw thry did a bad job. Enhance is going to be benched next expac

I greatly like the elemental changes.

The class tree and how it effects enh needs to be looked at.

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I think the adding Skyfury totem is a amazing idea but i hope with the changes they look at Classes with Special Autos like Paladin w/ Crusading Strikes. but aside from that i think these changes are for the better. Cause sadly Windfury totem is a Dps loss

I love that theyre getting an imbue specifically for their shield. That’s really nifty. An actual new idea. I didn’t see it coming.