Shaman needs some Solo-PVE love

Yeah, you definitely need to key bind your abilities. Most people that are “clickers” seem to hate the idea, until they play around with it. It helps a lot with combat reaction. If that’s not for you, no big deal, but I hear it adds 100 spell power to your character :wink:


So, I’ll second a lot of the advice here and say: get a weakaura to help you monitor your cooldowns and bind your keys… but it also sounds like you’re struggling particularly with elemental.

Some folks love ele for solo, but to do it well, you have to be using your full toolkit. You have to be cap toteming and earthbind toteming and kiting. You can’t just stand there and eat hits to the face… which is why I love soloing as enh. Because you totally can just eat hits to the face. I still use cap totem for big pulls, I’ve often got healing stream on cd. Plus there is astral shift, earth ele, and bloodlust if things get a little hairy. But often, all I need is an instant healing surge every now and then and I’m good to go with literally zero downtime.

Resto is also fun as hell to solo with in Torghast, but it can be a bit of a slog without those Torghast powers. However, if you want the caster playstyle and are struggling with survivability, resto is slower but basically unkillable in open world PvE. Like… not as unkillable as a blood dk, but still, they’re powerful. I do wish resto had a talent build just for solo play (as a number of talent rows only help your group healing, and those that don’t are mainly utility rows, with the exception of Mastery of the Elements).

Yes!! That’s my go to! Great for movement fights too. Keeps DPS respectable and supports healers when everyone is scrambling to move.

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Yup! I really hope it stays with us when the xpac is over, preferably as a talent on a tier with only SL legendary powers to choose from.

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I respect the fact that you like the legendary, but if they were to make a talent tier of SL legendaries, I pray to god that chains of devastation would not be on it…

Seeds (in some form)
Great Sundering

Would all be sooo much better as choices with an actualy impact on gameplay and rotation

Do you even shaman bro? JK! :rofl:

Personally, I’m not a fan the fire elemental being a crucial part of shaman dps. It should be a damage boost with a moderate CD, like it was originally intended.

I am also not a fan of Fae Transfusion. It’s clunky, short-duration channel, and short range heal makes it pretty bad for ranged DPS.

Great Sundering sucks, imo, because when you cast Earth Shock or Earthquake, its situational depending on the number of targets. If you are trying to damage multiple targets, it is a terrible idea to make you first blow an entire rotation on a single target to boost the damage of your next AoE.

I haven’t messed around with DRE, but the idea of a low chance proc doesn’t do much for me.

Chains of Devastation is 100% part of my rotation, impacts literally every encounter, and is great for not only survivability but healing assist as well. I hope it is an option.

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Fair enough!

FT will definitely go away. However I’d like the effect of the seeds legendary to be added in somehow as it’s extremely fun.

Very fair you don’t like it, however it does add an interesting interaction into our kit.

Procs chance should be adjusted, but gambler build in legion was super fun with this legendary

CoD should is a very large damage loss in every situation in game, and in dungeons in raids is actually a detriment to the group because the mobs living longer as a result of you doing no damage is far more likely to wipe you than casting a few chain heals.

Could be used as a meme support build in RBGs maybe…

Only thing it would be useful for would be solo content I guess, although I can’t really think of a situation in solo content where you would regularly need this over just SWG healing surges.

Idk, just definitely not impactful for me and I think it would just instantly be a dead talent and wasted space if it were to go on the talent tree.

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It makes chain Lightning basically lightning bolt bc of the dmg modifier after using chain heal. And without the cast time… for AOE it’s saved my m+ group a number of times and I always do great dps. Granted I’m not pushing really high keys.

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I mean chains of devastation sims as a dps loss over wearing no legendary at all…

Like for example with seeds or great sundering you can pretty easily burst for 50k in aoe and sustain 30k. Chains of devastation you might burst for 20k and sustain 12k. Very far from worth at all

That’s fine, to each their own. I’m trying to play a hybrid build as best I can. I’m not having any problem keeping up with the groups I play in.

I don’t sim to be #1, I sim to understand how to best improve my play style. Since I’ve switched to what I want to play it’s been 100x more fun.

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