Hi, Hopepain / Hopetotem!
Luxgarde is a small guild recruiting Heroic raiders to fill out our raid team. Here is a link to our main recruitment post: <Luxgarde> is recruiting Heroic raiders for TWW!
We raid Fridays starting at 10 PM Eastern and Saturdays starting at 9 PM Eastern.
As a group, our focus is on striking a healthy balance between efficient progression and enjoying ourselves along the way. We never forget that WoW is a game to be enjoyed, not a second job, and we always focus on supporting and uplifting teammates.
In response to your fourth point, there are unfortunately guilds that allow or even promote racist, sexist, homophobic, or otherwise hateful speech. Luxgarde does not. We firmly do not allow such behavior in our guild or in our raids.
Please feel free to shoot me a message on Discord (original_luxa) if we sound like a good fit!