Shaman Alphas: History Doomed To Repeat Itself

Beta patch notes …

Shaman class has been removed and replaced with witch doctor.

Joking aside …

I’m hoping the beta notes tomorrow will be big and include shaman.

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I’m keeping my hopes realistic and praying they actually fully implement stormbringer, so at least 1 bullet point lol. After all, moving into beta without having all the hero specs fully implemented would be a massive failure on managements part and Blizzard would never do that.

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That’s how monks got white tiger statue. If I recall …

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Always going to remember the muck up of legion to BFA and having to wait for 8.1 to have them uncoupled from the need for their artifact to function. What could have been a hotfix they saved as content bulk for 8.1.

Another week, beta launch. Zero shaman changes. Wowhead data mined beta notes up


Anyone recall the pacing of class/spec reworks in dragonflight alpha/beta?

I remember shaman got their trees early but others got them later.

Anyone recall how many classes/specs got significant reworks during dragonflight beta as opposed to alpha?

Which was unanimously hated and lasted an entire expansion.

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I still don’t take it out of spite. I like totems on shaman but not on a monk. :joy:

I just wish whoever was working on Shamans would COMMUNICATE. Heck, even telling all of us to go jump off a cliff would be fine. Something to let us know they even exist.


Elemental Shaman was awesome in Legion. I loved it. I am not sure what they did to it. But suddenly it was a terrible class to play. It was difficult and getting any kind of good dps was extremely hard.

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Gonna keep saying it. Watch. Launch of TWW and half the legendary talents don’t work.

Legion to BFA it took patch 8.1 to address the issue that shaman wasn’t patched to not have the artifact so its damage and survival was so bad it was a joke. They had to wait to add it to 8.1 to bulk up the content cause they knew BFA was gonna be bleh.

They will forget about shaman. If they could remove shaman without breaking the game they would. They didn’t bother adding shamans to dragonflight stuff even though the main enemy where primalists. But they decided that mages and evokers where the masters of the elements and knew how to deal with them.


With the release of todays beta build notes (congratulations hunters) Shaman are officially the red headed step child drowning at the bottom of the pool. We are coming up on nearly 90 days without a peep from the blues regarding direction or anything about the feedback that has been given. We are officially 75 days from launch. Blizzard you wonder why the shaman community is mad and angry? Just see how you favorite children are treated and then see how we, the sons and daughters of Thrall, are provided even a shred of communication. Disappointment doesn’t even come close to what we feel right now.