#Shadywish - Free [Horde-US] Voidwing Carries This Friday - Sign up system (No raffle)!

Hello, I am one of the officers of the guild The Outcasts (formerly of Fenris-US, now of Area 52) and I am here to promote our charity Voidwing carries running until Shadowlands launch. We are running a series of free carry nights for H N’zoth for Horde (US) to raise money for the Humane Society of Tampa Bay. We also raffle off 2 Jaina Tidestorms a week as well! No donation required for carry, more info below!

Who Are We and Why Are We Doing This:

Some of you may remember us from #Moose-A-Wish back in WoD when we raised money for Make-A-Wish in honor of our guildie, Egon, who passed away in 2016. We gave away 776 Archimonde mooses and way exceeded our $500 goal by raising $6139 for his local Make-A-Wish chapter. Well, it pains me to say we lost a guildie in 2019, Shady, who had a lot to do in helping us with that event. He was, of course, so much more to us than just that though and we refuse not to honor him in the same way.

Shady was an officer in The Outcasts and one of our dearest friends. I cannot exaggerate this guy’s kindness. He enjoyed running the moose carries so much, he didn’t miss a single one of our 160+ Archimonde kills over the course of ~2 weeks. He wanted us to do another run in Legion with the Argus Spellwing, but our guild wasn’t strong enough at the time sadly. We lost him back in BoD and while we’re no longer actively mourning, he’s left a hole in our hearts that cannot be filled again. We selected our charity for this event based on his love for his cat Lana that we believe he may have gotten directly from this shelter. He loved animals (a true Druid to the end) and we wanted to make sure we honor that.

How to sign up for a run:

Join our discord to sign up:  https://discord.gg/awu3Zh2

Important Info:

  • Our next carry night will be Friday, Nov 13th, at 8pm EST.
  • The Charity supported is the local chapter of Shady’s Humane Society (Tampa Bay).
  • You do NOT have to donate to get a carry! Donations are completely optional!
  • We have 120 open sign up spots based on first-come-first-serve. Once those spots are full, we will close sign-ups. Fill spots will be via a Discord raffle or Twitch raffle on Grethamplz’s channel, so tune in if you missed out!
  • We run once per week and our upcoming run schedule is posted in Discord.
  • We give away 2 Mythic Jaina Tidestorms via the Twitch raffle for our last run of the night. Requires Twitch account!
  • Requirements for a carry are as simple as we can make them and thus far are very similar to #FriendshipDragon.
    • Be level 120 Horde toon with the Legendary cloak (non-negotiable).
    • No ilvl or cloak level requirements!
    • Must need the mount from H N’zoth (Uncorrupted Voidwing).
    • Be online and ready during the event until your run is complete. Missed connections will be replaced via raffle.
    • When we pull, tag Psychus and jump off the edge to die. (We will remove players not following this rule and those who do not tag will not get the mount.)


  • Why are sign ups closed?
    • We can only promise 120 mounts per night. Keep the Shadywish discord for the next run!
  • I just came back to the game and don’t have the cloak, why do I need it?
    • Players without the cloak are MC’d instantly when N’zoth is pulled and will not get credit.
  • Can I offer you gold/money/donate to get a spot?
    • No, we will not accept nor entertain any offer like this. We will report anyone offering us money as seeking a Real Money Transaction.
  • Can I help carry? I’d like to be a part of this!
    • We’d welcome all the help we can get. We ask that potential carriers be of 470 ilvl with solid raiding experience that trivializes H N’zoth. Reach out to me in the comments about this. If you cannot help us carry, please feel free to support us with word of mouth!
  • I’d like to support your cause, how can I donate?
    • All of our donation links can be found in Discord or promoted during our Twitch stream. We appreciate any and all support for the Humane Society of Tampa Bay as these donations directly support the shelter in these tough economic times.

Any chance there’s an alliance-side option in the works?

Unfortunately we do not have the same resources available on the alliance side, we have no plans to run carries on the alliance.


Those posts get deleted by horde bias.

#MooseAWish was so much fun healing with your group bump for a great cause!

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This is one good reason why I 120 characters on both sides of the fence.
I got a moose mount and may join for this one.
Good luck to all.

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Today is the day! We’re excited to get everyone some Dragons! Join us at 8pm EST tonight on Grethamplz’s stream on Twitch. We plan to run until about ~11pm tonight (maybe a tad later) so hop into the stream when you’ve got a moment and enter the raffle.

We’ve got a reddit post up now on r/wow that has more relevant links for the event. Check us out there if you’d like to hop into our new community discord to chat with us or would like to join us as a carrier!

Thus far #Shadywish has already raised $860 dollars for the Humane Society of Tampa Bay between our fundraiser and shirt sales!

While I did not know Shady, Nor do I have an affiliation with him. I do share a passion for animals and this a great time for me to to try and get an AOTC run. I also live in Florida, so it’s a great alignment of the stars to be involved. =D

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Links from the reddit page:

And because good deeds deserve to be bumped. :grin:

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Thank you everyone! :hearts: We’re under 2 hours now to the first event of many between here and Shadowlands and we couldn’t be more hyped. We know Shady would be as well. We’ve been discussing how excited he would have been if he could join us for this. We’re going to do him proud tonight!

Anyone just checking out the thread, please feel free to join us tonight and we hope to get you a dragon!

Starting up! Come poke some eyeballs with us. :slight_smile:

Thank you guys, so much for the carry! :heart:
It’s a great thing your doing. Also, I bought the shirt. It’s awesome :smile:

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Good on you guys for doing this. I just hate that every single carry group is always Horde. :confused:

I have a 120 horde, but I’d sooner delete every single character on my account than do that god awful questline to get the cloak again.

Well, to do the 120 cloak again, you can skip all the scenarios but the last scenario. So it’s mostly a bunch of flying around and two invasions.

It’s 3 hours is what it is.

This is a great cause. If you need a healer who’s well experienced at heroic N’Zoth, just let me know.

What a great first night – congrats to the first 121 people who received their Spawn of Vexiona mounts tonight.

This is awesome! Thank you so much for helping the humane society!

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Just to be clear and I’m really silly for not knowing this… this can be done cross-server, right? I have some 120 Hordies on Turalyon and would absolutely love and appreciate a carry through that raid!

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Yes, they’re on Area 52 and I got my carry on a character from Tich.