Shadows Rising: State of Azeroth Details

No? Not unless she reacted to it in a way that isn’t favorable for the Alliance. I’d be more interested in the Alliance harming the Horde and her reacting to it as a crime.

No? She wasn’t even there. Tyrande’s stupid. News at 11.

That’d be necessary, yes.

I don’t think her holy powers are as big of a deal as I do her very clearly being an Alliance spy sent to control the Horde for the Alliance.

She does need to bond with the Horde as opposed to the Alliance.

This’d be good.

I mean, does one react favorably to being stabbed in the back with void tendrils by someone you partially raised?

I’d be down for Anduin cornering Calia in a rage, “WHAT DO YOU KNOW YOU MONSTER”, using shadow magic to choke her, and her breaking out as a Shadow Ascendant, realizing he intends on killing her if she doesn’t help him, and that he doesn’t actually consider her fully human anymore.

Nor were most Forsaken, I imagine, and yet lol


Eh. For me part of the Forsaken mythos, and why I made a Shadow Priest Alt, is the Cult of Forgotten Shadow dimension. I would love for Calia’s progression to include Natalie Seline getting an Undead model and the Cult of Forgotten Shadow taking a bigger “center” in Forsaken culture. Maybe a nice Shadow Cathedral in the Forsaken starting area.

Nice x2

That just makes it Calia reacting to a Calia problem instead of a Horde problem.
That tells me she’s self interested, but I already think she’s self interested. I don’t think she’s Horde interested.

That’s fine.

I am 100% sure sarm is right and it exists, I remember reading something about it. But i also couldn’t find anything.

I follow Christie Golden on twitter and I too know for a fact she tweeted this at some point. But she tweets a lot, and by a lot I mean a lot a lot, and who wants to try and find it? Not me. That’s who.

Found it yall, ya lazy bums :stuck_out_tongue:


Edit: this does confirm kinda that blizzard intended a 100% random person be the “Calia” in the plot, which oof, yikes


This would be interesting for me to see. I’m not sure how he’d react to a human wanting to talk to him, but I think he’s flexible with non-troll races, judging by the deals that he’s made

 wouldn’t it lead to some people doing CaliaxBwonsamdi? O_o

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“Yes Harvester of Desire? I would like to report some sins of Desire. Yes. Her name is Ahmanet, a Zandalari Troll priestess. Yes I’ll hold”

I mean
 I’ve seen Talanji x Bwonsamdi and even Rastakhan x Bwonsamdi, so it’s bound to happen eventually lol


It’s always weird to read or hear such things. Perhaps because I’m happy in a small nation. I understand the “great” part. But oh well.

That’s a very weird stretch. Those idiots are unfair to you for sure. I could say more but what’s the point?

You are unfair to the Forsaken and their fans. Calia is the anti Forsaken 100% and only because you don’t want to argue against what people are saying you come up with such a weird argument.

Calia wanted nothing to do with the Fosaken. She is another love child of Golden and we don’t need those.

No. Not all.

More like the tyrants sister, who didn’t care about her people. It’s neither good, not noble It’s lazy story telling and accepting all the retcons. Like Forsaken forbidding memories of their old lives.
We knew the Forsaken reached out before.
Heck she was risen by the light.

I will stand by my point. It is the destruction of the Forsaken, if Calia will become the queen. No matter what wrong rl relations you want to draw


“Two characters were within 100 feet, they’re in love.”


And crossovers treat it as two characters existing, means they’re in love.

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I’ve been arguing against what people are saying for weeks now, as well as trying to push everyone in a less-whiney more-productive direction of trying to push for a narrative that would be good given the fact the direction Blizzard is going is clear.

Player voice is not going to change that direction but it could help shape a better narrative.

People insisting Calia isn’t going to end up being the Forsaken leader are kidding themselves.

Player voice at this point in time is more useful in pushing for an iteration of their plan that would be Good. And if you think Calia in no circumstance would be good, then that’s it, it’s a wrap. Play another race. Because there’s where we are going.

It isn’t enough that in neutral content we never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever work with Horde characters and strictly only work with the Alliance.

Now we must also have Alliance as Horde leaders.


sylvanas was alliance.

You got me curious, so I started looking for it too. Best I could find so far was this:

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i already found it lol

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Aha! Thanks. That’s what I get for posting before I’ve finished reading the whole thread.

This tweet doesn’t seem to have the part about how the first “light undead” was supposed to be someone else, though–?

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Nah as per the tweets I found it was due to a T&E video that week