Shadows Rising: Nordrassil Misinformation

I don’t really have anything constructive to add. I’m just physically incapable of reading Shandris’s inane lines without commenting to lament what an unbearable twit they’ve turned her into.


What could go wrong here, am I right?

Someone’s gotta shill for peace in Anduin’s place. Sadly, Blizzard chose Shandris to roll over.


At least Baine is worth a chuckle while spouting off nonsense. “What does justice mean to you, now? A blind re-balancing of the scales, like the literal definition of justice?” Also, using “Horde” and “innocents” in the same sentence.

With Shandris, it’s just sad.


The worst part is Shandris doesn’t even seem to care her own people are dead. Even Anduin expressed more remorse than she has.


Disgusting lol

The whitewashing is real


It might be me … but to me this reads like Tyrande was at the very edge of just obliterating them on the spot.
That only Malfurions words were saving them from Tyrande who was just about to kill them all.

This gives a whole new perspective about her and how frightening she really is.
This explains why LorThemar is scared to death that Tyrande could switch her focus on the Horde to have them pay in in blood.
She is allways one uncarefull word from a Horde member away from obliterating them completely.

At least that is what I read out of these words and how Madelaine describes the connection of the Moon and its appearence as an celetial mirror of Tyrandes emotions and intentions.

Gosh I whish they would be able to portrait Tyrande ingame like that … she is terrifying and not letting herself be distracted or soothed by empty words or tries to shift the blame.

I really love how Madelaine Roux has writtern her. I hope Blizzard lets her keep writing Tyrande.

As for Shandris … I HATE HER SO MUCH … I loved her back in the days, now I just want her to die somewhere so she can’t do any more damage.

Well to be honest:
Madlaine perfectly captured the horde players behaviour and postings in that sentence.
It is hilarious how she was able to do that so precisely. Love it.
It completely shows the disgusting attitude Horde players have.


Being a peacemonger in WoW means being a doormat. For someone like Shandris who has skin in the game, its almost traitorous. Anduin at least has the excuse of being a sheltered fool, but even that is being challenged in Shadows Rising where we see his subjects aren’t too keen on paying the blood price for his ideals.


The thing is… that at some point things have happened that peace is no longer an option.
That you can only carry on and open another chapter after you have hold up a trial against these crimes.

We’re not talking about some border conflicts where you can then sit down and negotiate.
This was invasion and genocide. Deathcamps and intentinal destruction of the land of the people invaded.
This is not something you just get over with, where you just stop.
This is a thing where you let the people responsible pay and suffer.

In other words: Looking for peace in that constallation looks out of place, stupidly forced and unlogical.
Which is why Shandris comes off as so rediculous. It woudl have suited in classic where Warsong were jsut continuing attacking Ashenvale.

But after garrosh who has been refered by golden as hitler. And after Sylvanas who is even worse… there is no room for peace. Not now not this time.


Oh you don’t have to tell me that, I’ve been living with it for as long as you have. I never thought I’d see the day where I disliked someone more than Anduin but Shandris is fast taking that place. It’s like you said, she’s a borderline race traitor.

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I get that Shandris is trying to be the more level headed one in this current situation but she just too nice about it. There’s not an ounce of venom or anger in her words and that’s what disgusts me. It’s almost as if she’s resigned herself to making peace and moving on. She’s the damn general of the army!!! That’s a terrible look.


She’s a lot like Baine.



I think I get where Shandris is coming from. When you see someone you love go down a path that is dangerous to them, you sort of lose perspective and suggest a path that is completely opposite.

Shandris isn’t a perfect character, and the narrative doesn’t necessarily portray her the way it portrayed Anduin; besides, Tyrande is the only family she has left. She is seeing Tyrande, her mother, in a state unlike ever before and her natural reaction is fear of the violent path- any and all violence becomes a risk.


Shandris was shown to be like this before the Night Warrior.
In fact Tyrande having to resort to that ritual is partly because of her and because pf the Alliance not helping.
There should be anger towards the ones responsible for having Tyrande rely on this last resort.

It is not like Tyrande did it out of no necessity.

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Not really, she has only ever displaced peacenik-ness after the NW ritual.


Is not like Shandris hasn’t killed major Horde targets in the war or anything like that.


The reason for Shandris to be transformed into an Anduin puppet is that she’s going to replace Tyrande after Shadowlands

I remember Shandris having “justice for Teldrassil” dialogues, yea good joke.


I sometimes wonder how the story would of played out if a Forsaken had gone, with thrall to visit tyrande.

Could of been a really epic tense scene, the aura of just viciousness emanating from tyrande as clashing with the cool calm and collected aura of a non-caring forsaken who is most likely there solely to say “sorry for what my people did, we denounce sylvanas actions and were lead astray *rolls eyes”

You’d be left wondering if it’s genuine or just the cold uncaring of the undead that lets them easily hide their emotions.


She would have killed everyone.

A single wrong word or attitude would have been enough for Tyrande, she was one step before doing it which is why Yukah urged them to flee.
Baine for exmaple has stretched the lines quite thinly, but a forsaken? She would have obliterated all of the Horde in a blink of an eye there.

I like how they are scared now but when they have the opportunity to slaughter innocents they are all happy and eager to do it.


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