26 days and it still happens. Oooh poor Blizzard, indie company, doesnt have money to fix stuff.
This is still a problem, please fix ><
Still an issue
This is still an issue. I did a +19 Shadowmoon, died on the last boss. After it died I released and I was unable to go down and loot the chest, BUT more importantly I was unable to use the keystone reroll NPC. PLEASE FIX
Shadowmoon Burial Ground has way too many bugs. It’s to the point where it’s made me care less about M+ as a whole.
the worm boss not registering some WW and warlock pet attacks, and then the worm indicators not showing properly and punting you off despite not being in them…and then last boss, the purple smog the wall-of-death leaves has a smaller indicator than what the game shows.
Not trying to hijack OP’s post, I just wanted to rant about this utterly broken dungeon that Blizzard is clearly ok with.
At the same time, it’s by far the easiest, so… /shrug
still bugged
Just happened to half my group. Annoying.
Still bugged. So annoying.
Still bugged!
Yep, same issue as well here two months later.
Still happening tonight.
can confirm this is still happening.
Still bugged, @Blizz fix ya sh*t!
Can confirm, still bugged.
When you run the dungeon on normal and need to go back to Nerzhul after he is dead, there is a portal in front of that stone wall you can use to re-enter. They could put that in mythic+.
still bugged. indie company btw.
Still an issue, however your loot does in fact get sent to your mailbox thankfully
Maybe it will get resolved with 10.0.7?
Can confirm it has not been fixed in 10.0.7 just happened to me.