Doing very well. Hope the same for you guys. I had to look up an old guild roster to recall a lot of names. I never played again when they released BC and i think many of us were kind of discouraged from not completing Naxx and AQ. I know many people rerolled on other servers but at the time i had finally recovered from knee surgery and went back to sports. 13 years and 3 kids later I came back for some nostalgia.
OMG, Gingerspice! Your friends from OZ/Inner Circle are playing horde on Rattlegore. (Rashaki, Filius, Eldeste, etc.) We’d love to reconnect. Fili fondly remembers you teaching him to tank! Btag me: Flicke#11871
Retsu, just looked at this lol… I’m on Whitemane alliance. Pewpshoot (hunter), Hashmire (pally)
Hit me up, guild is always looking for good ppl
I was also in the guild - Nefarius, 60 Night Elf Druid! Good memories.
I’m on Atiesh now - I did see someone named Darkforge leveling in STV on the server recently, but it was not a Dwarf Rogue…hmm.
I remember TND lol - Nefarious, 60 druid. I’m Alliance on Atiesh now.
I was in TWS. Pally named Veiloth
Anyone from Instinct(Lnstinct)?
My main was a pally named Veiloth.
Flameberge NE Druid
If i listed all the guilds i was in we would be here all day im sure if anyone remembers my name alone would do.
Currently on Heartseeker as alliance if anyone wants to hit me up Wolf#11195 is my Btag.
@aldazar /wave
Oh Hi Venena I remember you…
I also remember
Tyru Gnome Warrior,
Kai NE Warrior,
Wisom NE Priest,
Tip NE Priest,
Feoria NE Druid,
Treu Human Mage,
Kurobana Human Paladin, (joined around Spring / brought many people to merged with Faith)
Minima Gnome Warlock,
Magno Human Paladin,
Seipipi NE Hunter,
Itachi NE Druid,
can’t recall a few others…
I was Tojo, human Paladin, invited by Seipipi, joined Faith around Dec 04/Jan 05. also was in Total Losers for a week before Faith. Also remember inviting an old guildie from my first leveling guild who later joined Destiny
I also remember a few red tags… UD rogue GOAT from PAIN? and Alvraen from Afterlife…
Were you in a small guild when you were leveling up? joined Destiny later? and had enchanting + mining as profession? or I’m mixing you up with someone else?
Could be! You’re name sounds familiar. I used to play as Lotusone. Sorry I haven’t been on classic at all, lost in M+ grinding now.
Felessen! Oh man is there any chance you guys would still check this?
This is Aspidochelon and that list of names is bringing back some memories. I’d love to join up again in TBC.
I remember Levon, Resurrection, and Anthem!
I was Aspidochelon if anyone checks this anymore before TBC…
Perusing this thread just for fun – not sure if I’ll be playing, sadly… but hey hey KoHF folk!!
Barakam here, NE Druid healer.
Ahh devotion. Treythemages brother Trey lmao
Looking for Hazzard-GM of Devotion.
We didn’t forget.
I remember these names!! I was in Dark Anarchy along with my boyfriend at the time, Cinderlune.
Kbmustang here.
Undead warrior in vanilla and tbc
Human warrior for wrath in United Horde Slayers
Only just stumbled onto this forum - I was Zadok NE Warrior in our little guild The Elite Guard
I remember United Horde Slayers! I haven’t heard that name for a really long time. Who did you play with in vanilla on horde? I only ask because I remember getting ganked daily in Silithus by those CAP Clan guys lol
Unlivingone, Undead Rogue. Played mostly horde, but I know I had a few friends on the other side!