i specifically said change those interactions, not nerf the iframe
No thanks, stop nerfing things with high skill caps.
Just change the way rogues/druid interact with it. (maybe it keeps you in combat)
I too vote to keep shadowmeld as is.
I think the idea of giving races a pool of racials to pick from sounds nice though. Could be fun!
I think the best thing to do is just buff the other racials. You nerf the NE racial everyone goes just goes Orc or the next big op race then people will start complaining about that. I don’t really want to play orc again.
No. Stop it. Why offer up ways to ruin us.
pls nerf meld so I look like less of an idiot for playing belf when they eventually make paladin for all races. dont want to be a purple FREAK
Yea, but gnome monk looks stupid.
Huh? It can be used to avoid all kinds of things. Like incoming bolt/full moon damage. You can eat kidney shots with it (combo points get used and the cooldown is lost), etc etc.
You can. I can’t think of anything you can’t immune with it.
Shadowmeld has been this way for a while… other racials are just not as good anymore. It is also only for certain specs.
But then again, remember when everyone was human? or dark iron? orc? undead? it happens in cycles… it will always happen because we play in a world where everyone wants the best advantage instead of the “little racial benefit” that comes with the RPG element of the game they chose.
yeah the moment assa becomes meta or sum dot/bleed 60% of the ladder goes dark iron happened in S1
I have a solution.
Disable racials in rated content and be done with it?
Oh, forgot about this one. This was back when people were arguing that shadowmeld was bad. Can you believe it?
nah thats a really boring fix tbh
Boring? Yes.
Effective? Also yes.
I personally disagree with it because I don’t think the game needs to lean too hard into the hardcore competitive aspects. After all, this is how games lose their soul, or release dead on arrival (RTS genre, looking at you).
Besides, what does it matter if you’re not in the top 1%? If you’re not among the best, you’re making enough mistakes that a racial boon won’t make up the difference. Though that applies to both sides.
But being completely utilitarian, it’s the most straight-forward option and kills the problem entirely. You play what you want for looks, and have a goofy racial in unrated on the side.
Banditt is right
Nobody should have to sacrifice cosmetic appeal for combat advantages.
People aren’t surprised that a racial is overpowered. If every tuesday is “get kicked in the balls day”, do you think they’ll complain because they are surprised when they get kicked in the balls, or because they are getting kicked in the balls?
Also, the moment assassination and feral weren’t insanely busted, everyone wasn’t obligated to be dwarf.
What if their vision is listening to crybabies?
This thing, big time. I lowkey have been thinking about swapping back to Worgen just for the fun of it. I wish the racial was more substantial, but it could be nice for BGB? Maybe? I’m even thinking a lower silhouette with Running Wild could catch a base sitter off guard. But Shadowmeld drops combat… sometimes? Lmao