SL Enhancement Shamans need help…
Enhancement Suggestions:
- Replace Ethereal Form with Shamanistic Rage!
- Lightning Shield and Earth Shield should be useable at the same time, again.
- Lightning Shield should not be dispellable… Or if you want it to be dispellable, give us the 10% damage reduction back.
- Give us back Shamanistic rage, we need mana regen and another defensive.
- MSW should reduce mana cost by 20% per stack… Like it used to… you currently get 3.5 heals before you’re oom. Its not good and using MSW to sacrifice damage for healing does not feel good.
- MSW should affect HEX again.
- Flame Shock and Frost shock should NOT share a CD.
- Lightning Bolt should be instant again but weak and then EMPOWERED by MSW. I loved using it as a pull in BFA and it felt so good with the mobility of enhancement. It isn’t going to break the class.
- Lava Lash should spread Flame Shock again… (maybe even for 50% of the current duration/damage… SOMETHING… it doesn’t need to be op) because Fire Nova is completely USELESS .
- Ghost Wolves need a little stronger boost in damage AND should heal again … I don’t care if they just give like 3-5 % leech while they are active… We need something.
- Lava Lash feels lame and weak, it needs a little boost and can you just take away the weapon requirement so we can do 2H again? Why not? Again, we are aiming for player agency and fun. So many people want it… and listen, me personally, I am not a 2h shaman fan but would it really break the game? I don’t understand why Frost gets 2H back and Fury gets single minded fury but an iconic thing like 2H enhance is so off limits? Come on.
- Level 15 Talents are all good. I think they are fine and I respect them.
- Level 25 Talents: get rid of Ice Strike no one likes it, replace it with something else.
- Level 30 Talents: All are fine, make Earth Shield useable with Lightning Shield.
- Level 35 Talents: Fire Nova will only work if Lava Lash Spreads Flame Shock OR you just make it into a pulsing fire totem… Currently Enhance has NO fire totems.
- Level 40 Talents: Nature’s Guardian should be baseline, you are absolutely punished in almost every Scenario when you don’t take it and I would love to use Feral Leap without feeling like I’m gimping myself.
- Level 45 Talents: Crashing Storm is boring and lame, you have internal metrics… Can’t you see that literally no one uses it and if they do and I’m not aware… Please prove that it isn’t a dead talent maybe change it so it gives a few seconds of Earthquake!! That would make it more fun and interesting!! Stormkeeper is subpar and not fun, I would suggest changing it from 2 to 3 casts to justify its use over Sundering.
- Level 50 Talents: Elemental Spirits are a gamble which is okay I suppose but compared to Ascendance who really wants them? You should move this to the level 25 tier to replace Ice Strike! That would be an excellent change! Earthen Spike, I’ve never liked it… some people like it so yeah I have no feedback. I’ll never use it… My last bit of feedback is for Ascendance… Please update the Ascendant model or give us a glyph like boomkins where we can be like a spirit version of our normal character so we don’t need to use that model?