Shadowlands Preview: A Look at Covenant Systems

I wanted to be a part of shadowlands beta so bad, so that I can get a first hand look at what is best for a BM hunter, but I wasn’t invited… Hope there will be more beta invites… I had opted in a couple of months ago.

So this is going to be another Legion class hall issue? My pally tank, who has run with an hpriest since the day they started, are going to end up unable to quest together again? The description makes it sound like my demon lock has only one choice, my warrior a different group, as well as my healers, warrior, etc.

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do you notice that blizz is not responding to your posts? I think you are spot on with both posts and blizz may be embarrassed about it. I for one have already bought the expansion and now am very worried about game play overall, I have six characters I want to play through ( I tell everyone, I don’t have a “main” character) and now I am scared that I will be forced to be a cow with the herd rather than do what I want.

I am not an influencer, so Blizzard doesn’t care about my opinions. And that’s ok. I pretty much used up the dregs of my 15 minutes of fame being cited in an article. :wink:

haha what were you quoted in?

Blizzardwatch. Love 'em to death. Shocked to find that one of the writers came across one of my comments.

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I disagree, i think being able to switch back on a whim would be to over powered in some cases.

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Cool, thanks for the email about Covenant’s, how bout instead you just give me beta so i can test them instead of reading other peoples experience(s) .



Got an email in my inbox saying “SkylinE, It’s Time to Explore the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Covenants.” In that email it gave me a brief summary of the covenants and linked me to this page.

Ya’ll are jerks blizzard. for real.


Not our fault Blizzard dug their own grave with this system.


Now you are speaking my language. I so want to find Garrosh and restore him to his rightful place and bring back the horde to conqure all the right way with brute force and then laugh and ridicule the puny alliance

I read the whole thing twice…and I am “walking away” confused. It sounds like the most convoluted thing. Is there anyway you could just give me new spells or abilities and not tie them to some system?
Or make it more simple to understand?

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Glad we went from covenants being something we could pick to personalize our character to something that if you pick the wrong one you wont be invited to groups because the traits are that strong.

and what if we just choose not to choose a covenant? the whole “meaningful” to me just sounds like the corporate guy who invented the term “work place culture”. Your version of meaningful and what enjoyment I get out of the game, doesn’t obviously reflect the new direction your developers are going and I am becoming increasingly dissatisfied with the game all through BFA and hearing that you’re bringing over all the systems from BFA, that I, as well as many others, dislike the most. It doesn’t sound fun, it doesn’t sound meaningful, it sounds forced. It seriously feels like you hired a bunch of people who developed cell phone apps based on gambling. The starting tutorial zone… If I download an app that spends 10 levels instructing me on tutorial its a game I delete. But hey its your game you design it how you want, I’ve just been paying for it for years, so I know there’s lot of people that play who like it different. So you do you.

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