Shadowlands Prepatch and the State of Alliance Leadership (Spoilers)

Awesome, thanks. I look forward to helping her identify the true sins of Kael’thorse Sunstrider.


Ya know, if the “time moves differently” thing is true, how long have Sylvanas and Nathanos been in there before we arrive? I doubt it’ll be as nonsensical as Alleria and Turalyon actually having been fighting for 10,000 years or whatever ludicrous length of time it was, but it might make sense what kinda crazy power Nate and Sylvie have when we finally run into them.

Correct, we do. That does not mean EVERYONE does. It totally be on brand for Sylvanas to lure us into what should be an inescapable trap by having her boy toy snatch some people into the Maw.

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Is the death knight player no longer a highlord?

We never were, just a “deathlord”. Mograine, however, has lost his title and is merely a Lord now.


More quest with Anduin? Disappointed, yo.

I guess he feels responsible for Sylvanas in a way. Would rather have Genn go with us instead of him. Maybe he can see his son one last time before getting killed by either Nathan of Baevanas.

I dunno what to feel about putting golden boy as regent of SW. On one hand he’ll encourage the interracial breeding grounds. On the other hand he might taint the Cathedral district with his draenei weeb nonsense.


i hope that Turalyon doesn’t become the head of the alliance, but if this is right he will just because he’s sitting on the throne of stormwind, why don’t we let another alliance faction take the reins for once. ugh.


He’s likely just gonna be a placeholder for the expansion while Anduin is gone and nothing else. No reason to put someone else in charge when they’re likely not going to do anything involving the goings on in Azeroth.

I guess I’ll say it, since many of us are probably thinking it, anyway: Can we just leave him there?

Or, if that’s too dark (I don’t think it is. He should have been more helpful with Darkshore.), maybe we save him from the Maw, but… accidentally leave him in the Shadowlands.


I’m not unsympathetic to Anduin. I get being a ruler is hard and totally understand he would feel guilty to send others to die.

But I think Anduin… just isn’t the right type of person to be on the front lines. Some rulers are at home on the battlefield, but Anduin I don’t think actually adds anything by being on the frontlines. He’s better suited, imo, being a King from the throneroom.

That and I’d just rather Turalyon goes with us over Anduin.


Turalyon was brainwashed by the Light before.

The Highlord is no longer the Lich King? Will the Light embrace him again? Could this kick off an amazing redemption story? Or one that unwinds retribution like alternate dimension Mag’har?

All sounds like really good stuff. Looking forward to reading more as the story progresses.

It is, but can you imagine the temptation to go to a place the dead are, after literally just losing father?


This is very interesting though I have to wonder will Stormwind be updated to show Turalyon in charge, with Anduin not present?

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You guys are hilarious. Anduin ran away in Pandaria and then stowed away again in Legion to be at the Broken Shore which was the Warfront at the time.

Him running away into the Maw is completely in character and honestly every faction leader does it.


but blizzard already said we go with bolvar, sylvanas plan would work better with us stuck in azeroth getting killed by zombies

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“Turalyon, I name you commander of the alliance forces. Instead of commanding them, I want you to take over my duties as king while I go to the shadowlands and lead our forces to fight”

Like… what??


Random note, but in TBC, on Azuremyst Isle, there’s a vision a furbolg has. A “Vision of the Forlorn” approaches a naaru named “Vision of Purity”. The “Vision of the Forlorn” casts some holy spell, using the Retribution Armour affect, and becomes “Vision of the Remembered”, who uses Bolvar’s vanilla model.

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Wow! Thanks so much for this info.

The comments on the page are really good too…

This is incorrect. Bolvar does not come with us on the initial trip to the Maw, we summon him directly to Oribos later, hence why he isn’t in the Maw during questing.


the intro scen hasnt been datamined, so no I am not wrong blizzard did say that we go with bolvar.

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