Shadowlands had the right concepts Initially

Well, there’s a wonderfully terrible old movie called Bruce Lee in Hell or The Dragon Lives Again where Bruce Lee teams up with Popeye to save the dead people from the evil king of hell who has this earthquake pillar that keeps killing(?) the dead people … no, I’m not making this up …

That’s been more or less confirmed, although some people think Afrasiabi was just making it up as he went along—he apparently didn’t tell anyone what his long-term plan was, if he had one. The way we’ve heard it, Afrasiabi got the idea that Sylvanas should burn Teldrassil and insisted on pushing it through even though a large portion of the writing staff didn’t like it. So when he left, the ones who remained were stuck trying to continue the story from there. (See threads linked at the bottom of this post for more details.)

It makes a lot more sense when you know what was going on behind the scenes. I did a quick summary above in my response to Badmaa, but see these threads for the full story as far as we know it: :point_down: