[Shadowlands ]Give your Feedback: Guardian

Thanks for contributing constructive feedback in terms of adding fleshed out changes.

Despite some people who might say Guardian is good, we’re definitely near the bottom of tanks.

Edit: Adding this for your official feedback list Cyouskin:

Talked to Pumps from the guild Honestly, and I asked his thoughts as someone who has played Guardian Druid/Brewmaster since MoP; these are his thoughts:

  • The legendaries are good and the changes to incarn will make it much stronger, but it still needs things like gcd changes, rage spender for magic damage, conduits that aren’t complete sh%t
  • Yeah incarn reduces ironfur cost by 50% and frenzied regen cooldown by 75% now making it insanely strong
  • Berserk does the same but we will always take incarn in its current iteration
  • Yeah i think all tanks should have a built in slow
  • Kiting is an integral part of tanking at least in an m+ setting(edited)
  • Part of what made us so strong in legion was the ability to kite so well with balance aff
  • We got very little changes from bfa to shadowlands also which is a bit disappointing
  • I think that’s the frustration from a lot of people who want to get into Guardian
  • We got clone which has 0 pve use and berserk which incarn replaces so literally no difference
  • No real changes from Legion to BFA, same with bfa to SL
  • I think frenzied regen needs to change back to what it used to be
  • No cooldown like ignore pain
  • Maul needs to be changed entirely
  • Our entire talent tree could use a redesign
  • Lunar beam should just be removed and replaced with something else.
  • Bake more into the spec passively like galactic guardian and brambles
  • And then use those slots to open the tree to more variety
  • Maul frenzied regen incarn/berserk all need to be removed from the gcd
  • I’ve only enjoyed playing druid in this final tier of bfa due to it finally being competitive
  • We were severely let down this xpac for the most part with very little changes after the post legion pruning and over nerfs
  • We may not need changes to be middle of the pack tank or to be viable but i believe we deserve a few solid quality of life changes and a boost to the enjoyment of the spec in general would be incredibly healthy for the game
  • Shadowlands has just given us too few changes considering its an entire expansion it does not feel like one
  • Yeah I think they could just make maul give you a magic damage absorb shield for the damage it deals and there you go rage spender for magic damage


Agree with everything being said here but good lord the formatting is bad on mobile :see_no_evil: