Shadowlands Final Report Card

Shadowlands is an F, WoW is not.

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Apart from Zereth Mortis, I can’t think of a zone from Shadowlands that I actually liked. Ardenweald came close, but I never got to spend much time there due to Night Fae not being too great for my classes.

I did try out joining the covenants I liked over optimization with my rogue. I thought the venthyr would fit her better than other covenants. By the time I swapped over to my priest I just didn’t care about theme that much, anymore. Necrolord, sure, whatever.

I liked Shadowlands more than BFA, but that’s mainly because I liked Torghast more than island expeditions. Wasn’t interested in the stories of either expansion.


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Random BGs (tokens for better gear), Dungeons were nicer, Farm Gold, Open world stuff ie PVP, World Bosses, Quest, Explore, Auction House was way nicer to interact with. Gear wasn’t copy pasted like it is now. You actually have stats and more strategic thinking to do. So much more.

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??? what the heck are you talking about?

World bosses weren’t really a thing, AH interface is much improved for people that actually want to buy stuff. Gear is rather generic then as is now.


Nobody I know plays video games that they would give an F rating. So if someone gives a game an F rating yet continues to play it, why? And if someone actually doesn’t play a game that they’re giving an F rating, why would they post on message boards about how much they dislike the game they aren’t playing?

Make it make sense.

You telling me Hogger not a World Boss? :stuck_out_tongue:

Specs terribly imbalanced with BM hunters bottom or near bottom while warlock dominating top with wide margins


Like all of the recent expansions, the final patched SL is what it should have been from the start, we’re forever starting out with poorly tuned grinds, strict rigidity in systems/currencies and unlocks that should have been account wide from the start.

Just once i wish they’d trust us to hang around, give us the good version straight up instead of making everything crap and slowly improving it from patch to patch to entice people back… maybe they wouldn’t have left inside of the first patch if things weren’t so crap? lol

Actual content (raids, dungeons and zones) should be the only stuff that’s on a staggered release schedule.


If everything was like now from the getgo people would’ve quit sooner because they’ll have won by attaining BIS excluding LFR.

Lol OP. You didn’t do anything of note and yet you somehow feel qualified to judge the expansion? You’re certainly entitled to your opinion when it comes to thematic elements and your impression on the game (since you can’t actually give any factual information on account you haven’t done it).

What do professions give? Really? How about them being mandatory for one of the most critical aspects all 4 content pillars rely on to play the game? Your legendaries?

Also how are you going to “put the RPG back in the MMORPG”? Like that’s just such a stupid line. The RPG is your character and what you have access to and how the game flows around you is entirely dependent on what you do in the game.

I’d say you get an F, but were I a teacher, I would say turning in a paper with just your name and date at the top and a 1 liner of “I didn’t do this assignment” warrants a non complete more than an F.

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my report card is “meet me in the office after school”

That’s because all 3 warlock specs take actual skill and effort to pull off and come with typical downsides of playing a caster while BM does not and has no downsides inherent with its role since it is completely free to move and DPS at will. You play a training wheels babymode easy spec, you don’t deserve to also be an S-tier damage dealer.

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I’m sorry I hurt your feelings but this is how I feel about the game. Professions yeah that’s one grind I was not up for. Farming gold from dailies and Rep was much easier than farming mats to level legendary gear. Other than that could you make anything cool or new and exciting? Maybe but I think I was disillusioned at that point between on what I wanted WoW SL to be and what it actually is.


Don’t worry brah. My feelings are perfectly fine. I just find your take hilarious since you’ve done nothing yet somehow feel qualified to review it. I get it though, you browsed forums and/or watched videos of other people spouting off and thus formed your sheeple opinion on it and thus feel qualified to speak on it. You’re certainly not the first person to do that in this game or even IRL.

Again, it’s fine if you didn’t like the tiny crumbs you tried. It’s fine to just not like things on principal. For example, I’m not super into dragons. I think they’re fine and have their place in fantasy but that they are often way overrated and leaned on. I’m not stoked for the DF expansion from a thematic element and if I let that taint my stance on the entire expansion and its actual contents, well I’d expect people to dismiss me and my opinion too since it’s clearly biased anyhow.

I’m still waiting too on what the whole “put the RPG back in the MMORPG” means too.

Far too generous. lol.
F -
Whats an F grade like lower than 60% ?
SLs gets no higher than a 1/10 from me.

Revendreth is an awesome looking zone. Pretty unique. Ardenwield looks like half a dozen other forest covered zones. Bastion…just ugh. And deadland was like warm vomit poured over dung.
ZM. Geeeezus. Dont get me started on that nausea.

Other than Revendreth looking so good, nothing about this expansion was appealing.

No new playable races. No new classes. Tedious, boring content. Tea sipping ‘vampires’.


I’ve done Mythic, Arena and I hate them and unfortunately for me and many others this is the wall that stops me from progressing. This game has become an E-Sport not an RPG. How many stats other than Stamina do you have? Seriously.

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what? so you want hit rating back?

Are you kidding? Stats are your “missing” element and are you somehow unaware that secondary stats exist and vastly change how some specs even feel?

Do you want defense rating back (assuming you actually played back then and didn’t just read about it like 99% of current players did)? MP/5? Hit raiting? Spirit? Come on now…

Add Luck (For those upgrades on drops like quests)

Crit Percent
Mastery (keep it)

Start There.

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lol… okay.

Bring back the valor set, I guess. The pinnacle of itemization when strength plate had spirit .