Shadowlands Feral Concerns and Problems

Exactly. Heaven forbid devs put some thought into the class.

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Getting a free endless finisher is our only leg-up? I don’t really follow.

A lot of people sounding pretty scared that they might actually have to incorporate decision-making into their DPS…

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With the way ST is right now they should have just removed it and replaced it with something else, right now it’s a dead talent taking up space as is in Shadowlands. LI right now will be mandatory with preditor being possible aoe in M+. Worse case senario is blizzard will nerf both LI and Pred just to bring them down to the crappy level of the new ST.

Predator will be hugely nerfed due to the lack of Jungle Fury propping it up. There’s no evidence that LI will be mandatory and I expect Saber will continue to be competitive especially in single target situations.

Keep in mind we won’t have essences either. No Lucid means less energy which will make LI less effective as a talent, and Saber more effective, especially early in the expansion.

You’re also acting like these changes will go live with no tuning whatsoever.


Because I’m commenting on what the current build is. Guessing at what (if anything, knowing Blizz’s track record with feral) will change in the next few months is kind of pointless. Currently ST is trash, LI will be top tier most of the time and Pred might be good in M+. ST should have been removed and reverted back to an execute mechanic imo.

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So quick guess : predator for solo pve, ST for st (/pvp), LI for aoe (/pvp).

Situational, good.

But you guys are spamming the thread with none-issues. We still have no room in m+ or raids due to zero utility. Feral does not bring anything to any group.

Not seeing evidence that Saber will be trash. It will still make your Rips more efficient than without Sabertooth (just less efficient than before, obviously, since BfA Sabertooth basically made them infinitely efficient), and your Rips are now more powerful which compounds the efficiency boost from the talent.

That efficiency increase will be important when our energy regen is reduced due to weak gear/lack of essences.

Going to repeat something I’ve said often: screw being taken to group for some mandatory utility. Our damage needs to be competitive otherwise we’re just dead weight that gets brought along for innervate/LotP/MoTW/take your pick. We are a DAMAGE spec, if the DAMAGE is broken or not competitive that is a lot more of a problem than trying to get free M+ spots because we have Shroud or Cloak of Shadows or something.

Is it?

Thats why it accounts for most damage done… because its so weak?

One again you speak about matters you do not understand.

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ST is one of those ablilities that will always be impossible balance. Either it has to be way OP or UP there is no middle ground with this talent. Boosting rip won’t mean much to ST buffing the FB damage might though. Adding even a +1 second to rips duration from where it is basically makes it infinate again defeating the purpose of the nerf. You might be right it might be used in a low energy early raiding situation but basically that just means it nothing more then a training wheel (and a noob trap) again. ST should be removed and something added in it’s place.

I don’t disagree but I think they’ve made it abundantly clear that they aren’t willing to give up the “FB extends Rip” gameplay completely, and that they don’t want to turn it back into an Execute. This is, IMO, an acceptable middle ground for the time being.


But you have never played the content I want to play. And you are just plain and simple wrong about everything. Utility is needed all over in m+. Those few ferals that have high rio only get to do those high m+ keys due to rest of the group got enough utility.

And theres a limit to how many melee are wanted in raids, and dh/monk/warrior beigns unique buffs. DH/monk/warrior has burst mobility, so they are actually better at getting our of big aoe quickly. etc etc etc…

Thing is…feral is lacking. Even with changes to a couple of talents, feral is still lacking.


Honestly I hope you are right, but I’m not holding my breath when it comes to Blizz these days. Personally I think ST is a wasted talent slot as it stands in SL. It will never catch up to the LI buff atm unless it is buffed into mandatory status again.

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I am so glad we got you to take things completely out of context and be rude at the same time…the world needs more people like you !

Tell blizzard feral is fine and dont need any fixing…oh wait you got it already. Good Job!

Any situation where an extremely long bleed is desirable.

Right now, on the Wrathion fight (for example), you can bookend the fire phase with two lovely ferocious bites and have a rip bleed up the entire time.

I loved being able to refresh my bleeds on both bosses on the Hivemind fight with something that actually causes damage while doing dps to adds. The utility of a super long bleed is amazing and it’s not something any other melee class can effectively do.

I think there are a few factors that tie into this issue:

  1. General lack of available melee spots. That’s a bigger problem with the game as a whole that stems mostly from post-Wrath/Cata encounter design and the fact that we’ve had 5 DPS specs added in expansions and 1 ranged spec removed (Survival).

  2. Rogue utility in particular is a bit out of line compared to other specs, which leads to them basically being mandatory in a lot of high key M+ situations. Keep in mind a lot of what makes them so strong is their single target CC (stuns, blind, etc.) not just things like Shroud. This is compounded by the situation in #1 since it means one of your already rare melee spots is probably going to a Rogue.

  3. The utility we do have (and we DO have it) is either not unique (less of a problem if #1 isn’t a thing) or isn’t particularly compelling for M+.

If you want to talk specifics I think Affinities need to be replaced or redesigned. They’re only really useful for Resto (Feral Affinity), everyone else just picks one for the passive. I think Blizzard vaguely has this notion that we’re supposed to get utility from our chosen Affinity (i.e. we can offheal or offtank, kinda), but in practice it just does not work that way and most of that capability is never utilized, again due to the way PvE encounters are set up.

This is definitely not the kind of thing most people would describe as “utility” and it isn’t something that makes us more desirable than other melee. It’s a nifty perk but in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t make or break any situation.

EDIT: Forgot to add in my list of gripes - they still need to add Swipe to the Bloodtalons proc, otherwise that talent is DOA in AoE situations.


The other major issue here, is that it is effectively destroying the way I like playing the spec.

We’re talking about rip damage, are we not?
Highest ranked feral on nzoth.

Go ahead and check that before you reply.

The context is how feral plays outside MAINTENANCE MODE PATCH. You have been told a million times by numerous players.

MAINTENANCE MODE PATCH is not the definition of how feral druid plays.

Are you able to comprehend that simple fact? Whitout changing subject or taking it out of context? That is the real question.

BFA is currently in MAINTENANCE MODE PATCH, where everythnig goes sideways.

MAINTENANCE MODE PATCH…not the bigger part of an expansion.

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Would last tier be more to your liking?

I’d say bleeds in general are a lower % of our damage than they have historically been, for reasons that have been made abundantly clear many times (Sabertooth was a big culprit). The Sabertooth change and Rip buff shift some of that damage back to our bleeds.

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