And still no Heritage Armor updates for those races missing it. Always put off to a .5 release. Always the next release. All races should have access to this feature by now.
Maybe listening and adjusting to the feedback from Beta players would help avoid situations like this in the future.
I’m glad you’re finally listening to us. Going to be honest though, I’m personally burnt out on the systems and I’m not really interested in putting time back into the game at this point.
Maybe fix pvp and I’ll come back and do more than just raid log.
I would love to see a removal on Anima cap. I keep getting so much anima from Callings and Korthia dailes and nowhere to put it so it just sits in my bags taking up space.
When we switch covenants in 9.1.5, will we still have to do the upgrades to the Sanctums? Seems like the world is rich with anima thanks to the “Maw Walkers”, so will Sanctums be fully up and running? or will we still need to work on each them? (I realize I said I have too much anima, but since we’re capped at 100 souls, there would still be a monster amount of farming to get all the souls we need to fully upgrade them. It would be nice to be able to use the four Covenant Sanctum “Fourth Upgrades” without having to spend so much time to activate them to rank 5.
I simply want to thank you, Kaivax, and others in your sphere, for communicating like this. I have been a member of WoW since 2006 and I remember when communication was like this. It’s nice to see it back. It helps me immensely to understand the logic and the approach.
And thank you for acknowledging the player BETA feedback that seemed to have been ignored. I think most players understand that not every comment and criticism will be addressed, but when it seems like a collective and strong voice gets ignored, it feels really bad.
Baby steps back? Make them count. Make them good. Make them stick. This new approach of more frequent communication is terrific. Thank you.
Some thoughts as a casual whose sub expires in December:
Thank you, seriously. I feel that what you’re doing here is a great first step. I appreciate that you acknowledged your faults (though I did notice you all but stopped at saying, “We’re sorry”)
I do hope you consider allowing us to go for targeted pieces of Korthia gear, not just the random slot machine bit you’ve got going now
I hope you consider adding end game currencies (like Korthian research, stygia, etc) to normal and heroic dungeons. This is the content I generally do and it would be great if I could do the content I like doing and actually get something out of it, not just doing it for fun.
I hope these are not all of the changes and I look forward to reading more about your plans.
None of these changes sound good… How could such a long post have no positive info?
-conduit energy… ok this was obviously need for the 1% but i set my conduits and forget them
-maw skip… this was needed 10 months ago. ive done the maw intro on my 49 characters already
-swapping covenants… why? all we want is the powers. im 10 months into grinding ember court and still not done with that BS AND you expect me to do it on ALTS to unlock all the cosmetics? ARE YOU INSANE!!!
-depositing anima from korthia… i cant deposit anima because im maxed out and my bag is full. i refuse to use it on crafting mats in hopes you will let me send it to alts instead. i want my offerings and anima on alts to be account wide or something. this is a cosmetic grind expansion so i have alts in the other covenants i dont feel the need to have to move my actual main around from covenant to covenant.
-no mention of the “on the offensive” issues making it impossible to complete. if the achivement is even account wide. i guess in the very least the covenant swap would allow us to buy these mounts.
-korthia dailies should offer a choice of rewards between rep, gold, anima, research, armor tokens. never a bop armor piece which is basically just a garbage amount of gold
korthia archivist unlock should be account wide, access to dailies should be account wide… THE WHOLE GAME, EVERYTHING, ALL THE THINGS should be account wide god damn it
literally nothing here is making me want to buy more game time and will this patch even be out by nov 1st when my game time runs out?
Blizzard will definitely have big changes coming in the next two years, especially with the incoming competition for several other mmo’s like Ashes of Creation. They will adapt and overcome or fade away.
It’s all good stuff, but I refuse to congratulate you for listening to us. You want a pat on the back for that? Invent a time machine, travel back a year, and tell the developers to do all this BEFORE the game launches rather than as a mid expansion band aid.
And why the salt?
Because you keep doing this. You keep introducing systems you have no hope of balancing, which fight against us, which waste our time, which offer horrible grinds and then you fight us as much as you can in changing them until as close to the end of the expansion as possible and THEN, THEN you fix them only to toss it all out in the trash with the next expansion and to begin repeating the cycle.
The only reason these changes are coming now is nothing to do with the lore, or the narrative, or how impactful the Covenant system was at the beginning. It’s because millions of players have voted with their feet and they’ve left and this is an attempt to show you are capable of listening. Which this does, you are indeed capable of listening.
When your backs are against the wall and you are bleeding subscribers faster than you’d like.
So I will take these changes. I will even acknowledge that they are good changes. But I won’t thank you for them because these should have been in place since launch and it was the arrogance of the dev team which blinded them to the fact that what they were introducing was going to end up in a horrible mess.
You want plaudits? You want thanks? You want the adulation of your community? Then take this as a lesson learned and apply it to 10.0. If whatever expansion comes next doesn’t require a mid expansion dismantling of your failed systems as Shadowlands AND Battle for Azeroth have both done, THEN you’ll get some thanks because you’ll have done something.
I will not gush over someone cleaning up the mess they made when they were told repeatedly not to go and make that mess and they arrogantly went ahead anyway.