Shadowlands Developer Update

Can we get master loot back though?

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Couple requests with the update of being able to switch covenants more freely. Allow us to get more souls from the maw on the weekly quest. Souls are the choke point for upgrading covenant buildings/things at this point. Being able to partake in all covenants buildings/things seems like it would be a really tedious endeavor at this point.

Second point, increase our anima cap if increasing souls is not an option. Running into the problem that I am capping out anima before getting the souls I need to upgrade stuff.

Also would just like to say, these are all great improvements coming in 9.1.5. Good job team.

Too little too late for me as I have given up on Shadowlands, but I am sure this will make a lot of people happy. The only thing keeping me around is hope for a new classic server.

WoW is kinda like a dump truck we all have to push up the expansion hill, because the engine is just cosmetic.
And that’s fun for a lot of people.


use of cosmetic rewards will also apply to alts


So if we’re talking wish lists:
Collect X# mounts: get a mount :white_check_mark:
Collect X# pets: get a pet :white_check_mark:
Collect X# transmog: get a title :confused:

I appreciate this level of communication and I encourage more of it going forward. For myself and my entire guild though, it’s too little too late. We’ve all already long since moved on to other games.

I hope in the future the Wow team learns not to let bad systems remain unadjusted for a full year before making necessary changes. At least speaking for myself and the people I was playing wow with, that lapse in attention and seemingly stubborn refusal to make these changes (that was strong feedback since beta) lost WoW a lot of really patient players who finally decided enough was enough.

Good luck with the game. Maybe we’ll check out the next expansion if we see more of this type of behavior.


because you “can” click on them next to their appropriate thing to use them individually rather than talking to the person and depositing all

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Thank you for listening to the heartfelt feedback from so many of us. Just wish it didn’t take a major scandal and bleeding subs to make it happen. Let’s keep this kind of listening to players moving forward. We’re in this together (players and devs) after all, and together we can make this game great!

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These changes should have been in 9.0.


These are all welcome changes. I feel like I’m stuck in my covenant, and these changes help, there are two things I’m not sure are being addressed:

  1. What happens to followers if I switch covenants? All my followers (except the two newest still leveling) are level 60 and there is no way I want to grind that out again. This is the biggest reason for me not wanting to switch to a more dps-optimal covenant.

  2. Why are covenant missions so opaque in relating mission-success outcomes? Previous expansions would give you a chance percentage so you had a clue, but Shadowlands is so opaque. Without addons it it practically impossible to do some missions, and some changes should be made to increase visibility of success.

Venture Plan (I think it is called) will help with this. But yeah, table missions are garbage this ex-pac but they can be decent for gearing out new toons.


Actually admired that they owned up to not listening to feedback. Now they just need to stick to it.

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Well well, the ripcord has finally been pulled. The player numbers are that bad I guess.


Can we get rid of Path of Ascension, while you’re at it? Or, at least, nerf the crap out of it? Or unlock the mounts/pets that are locked away behind achievements? Compare and constrast the “mini-games” for each covenant. The other three are doable with very little skill involved, just time and travel. But PoA? You have to be insanely good at “vehicle” combat. I’m not, and I’m sure I’m FAR from the only one who has an issue with PoA. Kill it, nerf the hell out of it, or uncouple the ability to buy the mounts/pets/transmogs that are currently locked behind PoA progression and achievements. Or, here’s an idea - let us play our own toons in the fights, and not the stupidly clunky “vehicles.”


Yeah but I don’t see a parachute.


I am looking forward to these changes, Blizz. I think that this could be a very good move in a positive direction - which will be an overall boon, both for the players, and our perception of Blizzard.

If Legion Timewalking pans out how I hope it does, you’ll be seeing all of my accounts get updated to this expansion and resubbed.

What about being able to solo mythic Legion raids?

A good start Kaivax. Hope it’s the beginning of new things.

Cheers :beers:

What, if anything, carries over when swapping at Max Renown?
Will Renown become account wide and therefore not needing to grind to max 3 more times?
Not a big deal, but can Covenant buildings carry over? And if not, can you please at least remove the time gating behind the weekly Soul quest, even 20 a week was restricting. Since we have access to all rewards and they take Grateful Offerings, will they be removed or made more abundant?
Will Adventure progress carry over in some ways?
You have the opportunity to knock this out of the park or make it another time-gated grind. Please think about these things, however small they may be. It still makes an experience.

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There’s a saying in the pimp community that goes “When you need to keep a girl in line, beat her and break her. Then mend her wounds. She will be SO grateful that you helped fix her that she will forget you were the one that broke her in the first place” Don’t forget that we TOLD THEM we didn’t like this from the beginning and they ignored us. Don’t fall for it, because when the next expansion comes out they’ll ignore our wants again. They’re pandering now because they’re in deep waters, but don’t let these guys pimp you out any longer.