Shadowlands: Consolidated Priest Feedback (What does and doesn't work)

You actually speak for no one but yourself.

Edit: Haha, what? When do likes translate to you speaking for anyone but yourself? Oh man, 11 Likes, in a Priest subforum, predominantly by people who have and will upvote anything that speaks negatively about Shadow Priest or Voidform. Get over yourself.


from the numerous posts on this forum I’m pretty sure she speaks for us. Also…

If you don’t play shadow and don’t care about it why are you here? what would you know about playing the spec in M+ when you only heal?


I disagree that Discipline needs to “work 10x harder for the same result”, as I think Disc’s proactive output is second to none, but I would like to see more ways to deal with unpredictable damage outside of Shadowmend spam.

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Devs don’t read the class forums, they read the “In Development” forums. Holding a protest here is like holding a protest against the mayor in your backyard - it won’t be seen by the one you’re trying to reach. Unless you’re just looking to vent your frustration with others? I do that sometimes.

You are absolutely right. However, Shaman lost maelstrom and Balance lost astral power. I don’t think it would be a stretch if they removed insanity :smiley:


I do, because both of those mechanics/resources aren’t as deeply integrated into the spec as Insanity is for Shadow Priest.

To put it another way, it’s like trying to make Hunters use Mana again instead of Focus. You can’t just rip out Focus and put Mana back in because everything revolves around Focus, from the spells, to the talents, to the pets, etc. It’s not a 1 to 1 exchange of resource and balancing Hunters around Mana again would be a huge endeavor to get it even to the place it is now, much less in a better balanced spot. Hunters are intrinsically tied to Focus now in a way that Shaman’s aren’t with regards to Maelstrom, etc.

It was in an interview.

There are no plans for another large drop of additional class changes. They wanted to drop large changes and revamps early so there is plenty of time to get feedback and change things.

I do think that still leaves plenty of room for changes, just not a complete overhaul. Just replacing a bunch of boring talents would give the specs a new feeling without having to re-do the entire core design of the spec. Also I imagine legendary effects being back will offer some new interesting changes as well.

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in other words more borrowed powers that we would need for the spec to feel decent.

watch them bring legion artifact passives, azerite gear , azerite essence (lucid dream), and corruption gear effects as the new legendary effects.


I do wish the baseline specs just felt great without any specific piece of gear. At least with SL legendaries they aren’t the RNG cluster of fail they were in Legion. At least the way they introduced them made it seem like they were going to be more easily specifically acquired.

The question regarding that is: How do you quantify what feels “great” for a spec?

It’s a question that can only ever have subjective answers (e.g: I think Holy feels good as-is, but Disc, at least in its current BFA design, feels like Schism is mandatory). Not only that, but there wouldn’t even be consensus on what exactly would need to be changed (talents, addition/removal of spells, etc.) in order for that particular spec to feel good.

It because they want us to ****ing heal. Plain and simple. I HOPE they don’t let Shadow roll out as a broken trash heap, but if their metrics are showing a decline in healers, the nasty reality is our class is the only one with TWO healing specs. I played as Disc for 2 months in this last patch just to get the gear I needed to be shadow again (being 100% gear dependent to do well sucks).

As for some classes being of higher importance - Druid has always been the favored child. They are the class that can literally do every role and have been actively ripping off other classes since classic, often doing a better job in the process. Then Blizz has to worry about making sure their baby low-skill Hero classes are pampered (DH and DK). We’re the red-headed step children man. :frowning:


If we don’t have the ability to heal ourselves effectively and we’re squishy af with almost no mobility or cc, then our dps needs to compensate for it. At present on the Alpha SPriests can’t pull more than 2 mobs without seriously being under threat of death and even 1v1 you’re going to lose a big chunk of HP.

And then there’s SW:Death, which doesn’t generate insanity, does almost no damage and HURTS you when you cast it. Like, why does this exist? This is an actual NERF.


you know what’s funny people literally said just make the talent baseline. like the only thing we asked not to be changed about the spec and simply be baseline gets gutted severely to the point where i highly doubt anyone would use it outside pvp(to break cc) and that’s if people even pvp as shadow.

It’s still a dps increase (Just) in the one GCD where you have a mind flay that isn’t followed by a void bolt, and both charges of SWV are on cooldown. This comes up maybe once every 12 GCDs, assuming you didn’t have anything else better to do with your time.

That is until mastery outscales it (Because its still not buffed by mastery, but really our mastery is a whole other mess in itself) and it becomes literally worthless.


While they’re bringing old things back it seems like you could give Shadow form 15% DR back since it used to have that and maybe vamp embrace could go back to being a constant passive at a lower % (or a low % passive self only + a higher % active group cd). Shadow was always supposed to be a tankier caster since it wasn’t very mobile.

I never main shadow but it sucks not even wanting to use your DPS spec soloing. Not because you’re opposed to changing specs when soloing, but just because you hate the spec and it doesn’t actually feel better soloing than your healing specs.


Doesn’t matter because shadowform buff drops when in voidform.

Yes please!!! would absolutely love this like 15% of all damage as healing passive would really improve our survivability.


If any ability with a CD isn’t good enough to be cast on CD then it’s garbage and doesn’t even belong on your bar.

People call this a protest. It’s not. A protest would indicate a belief that change will come. I’ve said many times I do not have that much faith in such changes are actually happening. As a matter of fact, I feel Blizzard’s silence could be classed as a form of “rope-a-dope”. Play the silent treatment and wait the clock out till beta, then toss a bunch of tiny band-aid fixes to mollify the masses.

No this thread exists to simply to document exactly how many (if any) responses we get over the Alpha and Beta, how much they actually listened to player feedback; and most importantly of all how often they act on the feedback given in comparison to other classes.

As Annesh, Yvaelle and others who have done Alpha with me in the past can attest, most classes have in antiquity received a lot more dialogue than Priest has. I also encourage Blizzard to break this cycle, and for people to be vocal about the changes we want.

Some ideas on what the solution is, might be things I dislike, other ideas I might like; but regardless of what my fancy is, there is no ‘incorrect’ idea. Opinions. Everyone has one. That’s the beauty of this thread however.

The purpose of this thread is not about me as an individual in this thread. It’s about the Priest class as a collective whole, and a simple request for ‘some news’. Even if it’s news we completely hate. It’s also about providing a place we can continue to voice our thoughts. My only request is that we all be civil, and remember there is another human being on the other side of the screen when you reply to a post. I know it’s hard sometimes and a lot of us are frustrated, but lets try. :slight_smile:


I’m not 100% in agreement with this, I think buttons that are pretty much “press button on cd” are pretty terrible from a design pov, but I do feel this way about swd in particular. It just doesn’t serve a purpose.


Dude I have been lobbying for dmg reduction to come back to Shadowform and for VE to change from being a garbage CD for YEARS. They don’t listen.