Shadowlands Class Update Feedback - Shadow Priest

My Shadow Priest Suggestions and class identity.

Shadow priest is ment to be the class that scales the best in the game. it is hard to play, it is hard to shine without gear, it has 3 differnt main playstyles (long shadow form late game, low down time mid game, burst shadow form early game)

Ability Changes- The new ability of devouring plague is ment to help with fast past short pull gameplay and early game. My idea is to make this ability consume dot damage. we are one of the only spec with built in time increase with void bolt for our dots.
So my idea is to take advantage of this and make it an ability to handle for good players. it can be used in 2 differnt playstyles.
#1- Place both dots on the target and once at 50 insanity consume it and lose the amount of insanity needed. this works with SC with it generating a large amount of insanity, it works with dark void generating insanity and giving a dot to consume, and works with DA for the extra insanity generation and the applied Vamperic touch.
#2- StM gameplay. this is either an added execute damage to the target depending on how long you were able to increase your dot timers to be or mid StM gives the Risk to use Devouring Plague to deal big damage and gain it all back real quick becuase of the 100% increase insanity generation.
but having to make sure you didnt use it under 60 insanity or the time it would take you to cast 1 gcd would kill you so it’s risky but fun with more output.

Also to change void bolt lvl 2 instead of making it usable during mind flay just take it off the gcd.

Current (Devouring Plague - Afflicts the target with a disease that instantly causes (100% of Spell power) Shadow damage plus an additional 16 Shadow damage over 12 sec. Heals you for 50% of damage dealt.)
New (Devouring Plague - Instantly consumes the dots on the target (75% of total damage remaining). Heals you for 20% of damage dealt.)

15 lvl talents - the goal of this is to make talent viable for crazy late game build. since shadowy insite is a pvp talent and shadow word: void is helping with the QoL for 2 casts of mind blast.
Current (Fortress of mind - mind blast and mind flay deal 10% increased damage and generate 20% insanity)
New (fortress of mind - Mind blast and mind flay deal (scaling number) for every void form stack you have and generate 20% insanity)

30 lvl talents - keep this as is. great choice between movment speed, healing cd, or dr cd.

45 lvl talents - keep this as is. great choice between single target, spread cleave, burst aoe.

60 lvl talent - this is where i would change stuff. our 2 cc cd options are silence and psychic scream. 2/3 of these talents adjust the cc so my suggestion to the row would be make psychic horror baseline and make a talent to adjust it and also revert the mind bomb back to a aoe 2 second stun.
Current (Mind Bomb - after 2 second or target dies targets within 8 yards are disoriented for 6 second)
New (Mind Bomb - after 2 second or target dies targets within 8 yards are stunned for 2 second)

Current(Psychic Horror - stuns 1 target for 4 seconds)
New(Domination Horror - fear the target for 8 seconds if any damage is done to this target the fear is broken)

75 lvl talents - This is where the major part of the play style combines. AS is ment to have through put for the whole fight, SW:D is ment to increase damage at end of fight with execute, SC is ment for large up front burst for short encounters.
Current (Death and madness - If a target dies within 6 sec after being struck by your Shadow Word: Death, you gain 40 insanity over 4 sec and the cooldown of your Shadow Word: Death is reset.)
New ( Death and madness - Gain a total of 2 stacks of SW:D and make the threshole 35% instead of 20%)

90 lvl talents - This 3 talant choices is between LI which is ment to help the mid game throughput, MB is ment for a pvp talent, and VT is ment for late game pushing for void form. i would keep this as is.

100 lvl talents - the 3 choices here are between LotV, DA, StM. LotV is ment to help with mid game throughput, DA is ment for short aoe burst style helping with early game, StM is ment for late game high risk high reward.
I would change DA to work better with the suggested Devouring Plague changes and revert StM to make it the go to late game talent.

Current (Surrender To Madness -
You instantly gain 100 Insanity and cast Void Eruption on the target.
For the next 25 sec, your Insanity-generating abilities generate 100% more Insanity and you can cast while moving.
If the target does not die within 25 sec of using Surrender to Madness, you die.)

New (Surrender To Madness -
You instantly gain 100 Insanity and The next cast of Void Eruption is instant.
Your Insanity-generating abilities generate 100% more Insanity and you can cast while moving.
If you leave void form after using Surrender to Madness, you die.)

Current (Dark Ascension - Immediately activates a new Voidform, then releases an explosive blast of pure void energy, causing [(95% of Spell power) * 2] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yds of your target. Generates 50 Insanity.)

New (Dark Ascension - Immediately gain 50 Insanity, then releases an explosive blast of pure void energy, causing [(95% of Spell power) * 2] Shadow damage to all enemies within 10 yds of your target. Apply Vamperic Touch to each enemy.)

I’ve been trying to figure out if I want to get back into shadow priest, but it looks like my MoP main is still going to stay dead at lvl 94. This is so disappointing I loved the way they played in MoP and ever since void form they have been dead. What this’ll be 4 expansions now that shadow priests are going to be basically garbage?

With everything said in this thread my biggest complaint would be the ramp up. I hate it so much. When you’re in a raiding situation it’s ok, but everywhere else it’s complete trash. Running anything else you get to see your team doing loads of DPS and then there’s you at the bottom of the chart because of the ramp up that you can never really ramp up because everything is already dead. By no means should SP have huge cool downs but come on.

As a side note, I would really like to see more mobility during fights for casters too. Being a turret is the other main reason I haven’t played a caster since MoP. Cast timer goes up… oh look I have to move for a mechanic. Well let’s try again. Same thing over and over. I know positioning is important but it’s just so frustrating while melee can just do whatever while moving and casters have to stand completely still or not do any damage. I think it would be cool if they did something like ’ you can move while casting, but it’ll take a little longer to cast.’


You should know there have been significant changes that have improved the SPriest kit. The ramp is drastically reduced, and would suggest checking out recent posts and videos, alongside the new/improved spec on the PTR.

Devouring Plague loses damage STILL if you cast more than one on the same target. So what does Blizz do? Not fix it. They buff insanity gen so we can waste more damage from overcapping or wasting damage by overriding DPs lolol

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