I can’t help but think that Mythic hurt the game more than it helped it. I know people like mythic but adding another level on top of dungeons and raids feels like it made things overly complex just look at what it did to gear levels. Maybe some of the pull of classic and BC is a return to simplicity and not needing a freaking spreadsheet to play the game. Ok sure people back then probably used one anyway but you didn’t NEED to. Classic didn’t even have heroics, you ran the end game dungeons and crafted to get into Molten core. They added heroics so it was normal dungeon > heroic gear > entry raids. But now you have a huge Ilvl spread and maybe it has a 3rd stat, maybe it has a socket, maybe both.
Remember way back when they said they were working toward a yearly expansion release, and how wod content got cut off because the plan failed? Apparently they’ve found a way to do it anyway, by making new expansions with very little content and re-releasing old ones.
I’m mostly upset that the 13 year old retread will have 16 dungeons and 5 raids on launch while retail is now down to 8 dungeons and one raid. It’s a stark contrast to a time when the folks at blizzard realized that content was more important than bolt on systems.
That said, I can’t go back to TBC. I did my time, so to speak. It was more fun at the time, but I don’t think I’d enjoy it as much the second go round.
At this point they are just trading retail players for classic players and vise versa. In three months they will all be back in retail.
Raider.io had nothing to do with killing mythic+, that was all about the loot. As someone who really only plays for mythic+ ill tell you I havent been running nearly as many because
- The dungeons are boring and long. (8 dungeons, so linear you have no choice but to choose one route)
- The loot sucks. (lowering the ilvl was a mistake)
- The amount of loot that drops sucks. (33% decrease in loot drops = 100% garbage).
The valor change didnt help anything. Ive run probably 20 dungeons since the change and got maybe 2 pieces of gear. Then I could only upgrade one of them to 220.
It means they saw a spike in subs or game time with the release of classic servers. Maybe the people who have retained their subs haven’t been SL players, but vanilla players?
Catering to the people who are willing to pay their bills isn’t Seppuku. To me it is acknowledging that they aren’t investing much on current expansion development. It means that this expansion will be as good as it gets going forward - any other expansions will be equal or worse.
I wouldn’t call it “working hard” when it takes them 5 months to fix VDH’s magic resistance bug.
Shadowlands is like the worst hits list of worst features from previous expansions:
- Loot management from Vanilla
- Leveling zone scarcity from Cata
- Legion/BFA grinds
- WoD levels of engagement with content / scarcity of content
- Covenants were supposed to be a repeat of Aldor/Scriers “choice” from TBC.
- Torghast was supposed to be a mage tower/horrific visions gameplay
- The maw was supposed to represent danger of going into a higher level zone from Vanilla, while they forgot that players are the same level with those mobs (tnx to scaling).
- Mythic dungeons were made for you to fuel their e-sports “dream”.
The thing is, everything that was listed above, failed with players and they had the data that supports that, yet they decided to implement those designs anyway. Im curious as to why.
You do realize that there are separate teams working on Classic and Retail right?
If it hadn’t been brought to the attention of the public, they still wouldn’t know. They do very little testing, and if the playerbase doesn’t find and make public embarrassing stuff like this it would never get fixed. Once they knew it was an issue they went through and found other bugs that were contributing also. Read the hotfix notes.
It’s up to management how many resources are allocated for what content. This is entirely in their control.
Rest assured: The WoW Classic team is hard at work making it a reality, and we’re at a point in development where we’re ready to share some of the things we’ve been working on.
This isn’t rocket science. It took me like 8 seconds to find it.
Yeah you’re right, it’s just like imaging a computer and takes 20 minutes.
That doesn’t say they are independent teams anywhere in that article. When I work on creatives I can be a member of multiple teams as a contributor and follow different Gantt charts per project.
Where in that article does it say resources aren’t being shared between classic/retail environments???
It took me like 8 seconds to figure out you have no idea how development works when you’re dealing with two iterations of the same product.
WoW Classic Team
If they were all under one team that distinction would not have been made.
Why are you choosing this hill to die on?
Yeah that’s great because you just undid your own argument by telling me you can work on multiple teams.
Do understand that there isn’t really a lot of development needed for Classic. It’s bringing back an old version of the game. They’re not making anything new.
I like that you tried to make a snide remark but it just doesn’t land.
Not choosing any hill to die on.
You’re just wrong and don’t understand how creative teams work less your little article you had to cite for lack of personal experience. Also, my snide remark was in response to yours, you scrub.
So you’re giving up. Because you couldn’t manage to wrap your head around the concept of two different teams.
Love these kinds of people.
Loving the Xbox Live insults. Anyways, if you’re done with me stop editing your posts, but looking at your posts it appears you have a pattern of being quite toxic. So you’ll probably just go do this somewhere else.
I was playing both retail and classic but SL is so boring I’ve been playing classic. Blizzard needs to at least try and “cater” a bit here to both crowds. I feel like they get all this feedback in the PTR’s and it’s always wasted. They always seem to do the opposite of what people want -that I have seen.
Nostalgia hits me every so and so when I’m playing on the classic servers. In classic, for me, it feels like nothing is pointless. There is a reason to level professions. There is a reason to run half way across the map for a quest item. There is a reason to spend a couple of hours in a dungeon. In retail I’ve noticed myself saying, “Why bother?” quite often.
If they bring out Wrath servers I will definitely be playing, not because of nostalgia, but because it was FUN. If anything I play retail more now than ever because of nostalgia.
I would be very surprised if they brought back anything passed Wrath servers. I think the WoW team really needs to take a step back and look at why their first three expansions were so popular. These are just my thoughts though
Independent teams work on each expansion. It’s also the case that if they wanted to adequately fund Shadowlands so there was content for more than a small part of the players expected to subscribe, they could have. They chose not to do this, even though appealing to multiple demographics in the past was what made wow great.
They chose to shrink the game and jettison most of the non-elite players in the process. They are turning the game from the largest one in the genre into a small game with a cult following.
So show me the developer with 4 hands 4 eyes and two brains that is actively developing for Classic whilst simultaneously developing for retail thus not negatively impacting one by focusing his mind on the other.