Shadowflame Splinter Catch Up

Did a bunch of stuff on alts and nothing. Not too worried as the content really isn’t encouraging me to play alts anyways. Used sparks for KP skill ups anyways so only wanted shadowflame for main alts to get them 424 weapons.

Just an update, the GM did restore my splinter

To clarify; The 2nd shadowflame spark drops today. The best way to get your shard is through the weekly quest from loam.

If you missed your shot at the shard it will be added to the loot pool on mythic dungeons and other activities

I haven’t played too many toons but i did miss out second spark on week 2. The second m+ dungeon that i did on week 3 dropped the half spark from end boss.

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Sounds like you should send Blizz and the GMs an apology and TY message.