Shadow Resistance - Warlock spells

Guys, he’s saying that Suppression is potentially ACTING incorrectly as spell pen- not that it’s supposed to give spell pen. I wonder if shadow focus is doing similar things…


Yeah it should only be acting as +hit. This seems to be a bug if true.

This might answer your question (had to dug it back a little):

Kalgan post-2.0 dot nerf: “Previously, dots in general were 1/10th as likely to be resisted as normal spells.”


Suppression reduces mob resistance to affliction spells and hence, increases your chance to hit.

This is useful thanks, but I wonder if this applies to partial resists for tick damage when it comes to DoTs.

Bare in mind I was wearing a shadow resistance set which provides much higher resistance than what the average player is usually wearing, and even if they were 1/10 less likely to be resisted, there would still be some resistance, or partial resistance. This to me is particularly intriguing when it comes to DoT damage, and partial resists.

I’m sure someone at Blizz has already jumped right on the trusty reference client to check on this! :smiley:

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well a confirmation from them on the subject would at least be nice.

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Yeah more testing on partial resist of dots is needed. Someone try with fire resist geat and flame shock to see if its common or not

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a partial-resisted dot tick in classic.

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I posed this in a similar thread about resists below:

  1. Partial resists on warlock (spriest also?) dot ticks are much rarer than they should be compared to partial resists of direct damage spells like shadowbolt for situations where the target has high resistance values. This could indicate that something with lock/priest talents is affecting this. Is this intentional if so?

  2. When partial dot ticks occur for any spell school, then every single dot dick for that dot duration rolls the same partial resist value. (25%, 50%, or 75%). This is inconsistent with vanilla with video proof provided above and can be easily checked on their reference client.

This bug negatively impacts some caster spec performace in PVE and also negatively affects people in pvp who stack resist gear since it is significantly less effective than it should be against dot spells.

I have on SWP, but it looks to be very rare.

Now I see them, but it seems bugged, like it only calculates on cast and every tick has the same amount resisted after.

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Oh, yeah that was my experience too. I was reading in another post that some people think this is how it was, and that it was “Fixed” in TBC, but what no one has addressed was if not that was just a 2.0 bug that had to get fixed, because in 2.0 they made a lot of changes that had to get bug fixed.

I remember resistances being very strong in both pve and pvp, so its seems strange to me that the stats are not working here, but maybe they were broken in 1.12? That does ask the question, if it was working for a big portion of vanilla and broken in 1.12 then should it be fixed to work properly? I think so.

Yeah my memory is apparently foggy on the resists and how they worked when.

So because of bug 5/5 suppression is the way to go instead of the standard 2 or 3 points?

My Ignite rolls partials alllllll the time in PvE but it is exceedingly rare in PvP, even against T1/T2 warrs w/ their Fire resist.

Is that right for PVP like Vanilla actually did it that way in 1.12? was it that way all of vanilla or just that way in 1.12?

was the lock specced into supression?

Stop necroing this thread that was disproven as the OP not testing and just raging, over 8 months ago.