Shadow Priest Silence bug

no thanks.

The Necro makes it obvious (to the new viewer) how long ago the issue was initially reported and prominently displays blizzards inadequate communication/action when it comes to bug reports.

This forum is to post bug reports.

You shouldn’t have to create multiple threads on a time based scale in order for it to get any merit/attention. The sparse amount of blue posts here, is a likely indicator that they don’t really care… Or at least, they don’t care to tell us players of the game the basic answers we desire in posting a bug report.

If Blizzard were to respond to bug reports (maybe once a month… id like more, but ya know…) with one the following 3 responses, I think it would make people feel better. They then can lock the thread and redirect people to it.

1.) confirmed working as intended as of current ( source information proof)
2.) not working as intended ( brief reasoning as to why if any)
3.) Were not sure - but we will be looking into it.

It would be nice to color code the forum topics in bug reports corresponding to the above 3 criteria.

I propose

Grey Thread (default until blizzard response)
Green thread - This thread was initally a bug report, that got confirmed as working as intended (proof).
Red Thread - This thread was initially a bug report, that later got confirmed as not working as intended, there might be a confirmation from Blizzard that they are aware and a reasoning why it is occurring.
Yellow Thread - This thread was initially a bug report, a blizzard rep may not have replied, but has flagged it for review and is awaiting response from higher ups.

I think so far, most of the topics created in the bug report forum would fall under the grey thread color - meaning - waiting for a response.