Shadow Priest Silence bug


You did not appear to follow my sarcasm of the typical Blizz responses.

of course this should be immediately fixed.


Given how oversimplified and on rails retail WoW is these days, I’m going to surmise that they don’t have the talent necessary to repair these very complex Vanilla class builds, talent modifiers and spell batching functions.

That could be, I’d suspect that a good portion of their programmers have been given the boot because who needs programmers when you have artists.


Well yeah, retail classes could have been designed by a third grader, frankly. But Vanilla WoW classes had more subtlety, more mechanics and were probably more challenging to program.

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They’re going to tell you all about the depth of modern wow classes and how simple the classic wow classes are.

You know those people who don’t understand that the real depth of the game has been and always has been PVP.

:umbrella: to ward off the buckets of tears…

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bump for this tread. ridic. plz fix.

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No proof no care

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bump bump bump. =D.

Yah this bug is getting old.

ok lvl 14 tauren, Bumppp, fix this critical bug already like if mages were not overpowered enough with double ice block since there’s no hypothermia debuff, this bug applies for any stun even Kidney Shot from rogues. FIX IT ALREADY

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You can now pump 2 frost bolts into a frost nova and it does not often break… EL OH EL…

This bug is confirmed.

But the title of the thread should be Mage Blink. I did it on several Imp CS/Cheapshot combos today.

Please fix this bug it’s been 15 years we’re paying a subscription every month we are entitled to have a good quality game.

bump for blizzard visibility - lul.

Do not necro, create another thread.


no thanks.

The Necro makes it obvious (to the new viewer) how long ago the issue was initially reported and prominently displays blizzards inadequate communication/action when it comes to bug reports.

This forum is to post bug reports.

You shouldn’t have to create multiple threads on a time based scale in order for it to get any merit/attention. The sparse amount of blue posts here, is a likely indicator that they don’t really care… Or at least, they don’t care to tell us players of the game the basic answers we desire in posting a bug report.

If Blizzard were to respond to bug reports (maybe once a month… id like more, but ya know…) with one the following 3 responses, I think it would make people feel better. They then can lock the thread and redirect people to it.

1.) confirmed working as intended as of current ( source information proof)
2.) not working as intended ( brief reasoning as to why if any)
3.) Were not sure - but we will be looking into it.

It would be nice to color code the forum topics in bug reports corresponding to the above 3 criteria.

I propose

Grey Thread (default until blizzard response)
Green thread - This thread was initally a bug report, that got confirmed as working as intended (proof).
Red Thread - This thread was initially a bug report, that later got confirmed as not working as intended, there might be a confirmation from Blizzard that they are aware and a reasoning why it is occurring.
Yellow Thread - This thread was initially a bug report, a blizzard rep may not have replied, but has flagged it for review and is awaiting response from higher ups.

I think so far, most of the topics created in the bug report forum would fall under the grey thread color - meaning - waiting for a response.

Then propose it in another thread for that purpose, Blizzard will flag necros so unless you want your problem just flat out ignored I suggest you just create new ones

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ok I will - probably in a while so i can formulate it properly. Apologies for my aggressive response!

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Bug still exist on classic era. plz fix. https:// streamable. com/qr6hn3