Shadow priest needs a major redesign

That spec needs to be something else like I don’t know a void arcane mage like spec or something. Because the current design is just not grabbing me and I hope I am not the only one.


I like it , it just need more damange.


If they brought back Legion shadow, but with current shadow crash, I’d jump right back to that spec ASAP.

That’s what it currently is. 1 min + void forms and all. It’s just that other minute out of it sucks.

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It sucks, is incomplete, inconsistent damage and trash survivability. Clunky and just bad.


The big point was not having to cast plague, and the extra haste from voidform as it went longer.

Didn’t like the Legion/BFA versions mostly because it needs some kind of a pause button on VF. One that doesn’t require sacrificing our only good defensive. There are always awkward points where you can’t keep up a rotation either because there’s temporarily no target or because you have to stop to do mechanics.

I really don’t vibe with its AoE rotation.


I miss pre-Legion shadow. Back when they were an actual DoT spec instead of whatever the hell is going on with them now.

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Has it already been 8 weeks?

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I’m pretty sure spriests design is “awaiting redesign”

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spriest gets redesigned every expansion lol


If they do redesign it, I think it would be the 3rd time Shadow was re-done within the last 3-4 expansions lol.


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They keep trying to redesign it around previous incarnations of the spec when they need to just start over from scratch. Sure we’d still have the basic abilities like SW:P, Mind Blast, and Mind Flay but just about everything past that needs reevaluated.

I’d like them to double-down on periodic damage but we already know that devs don’t want strong dots to exist anymore (even if that is what some players want) as they feel it limits encounter design. I also would like VF and DA to just be deleted. Think of something new.


not sure what they can do since spriest
always feel like a really bad warlock lol
it feels really bad to play imo.

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They would be fine if they could ever be tuned so that VF was only better if extended a -very- long time and competitive otherwise. Which has never happened. And FFS they have to be instants. They shouldn’t even be on the GCD.

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I like it outside of the fact that it’s hard to level with. It does suffer from surviability issues in solo content.

Fine when you are over geared but can be rough when you aren’t.

I’ll say.

Never would expect the healer specs to provide a much more enjoyable experience leveling up compared to the spec that’s supposed to clear open world stuff efficiently.

I’ve been Spriest for twenty years, and this is my favorite version so far. Keep your disgusting Lock opinions to yourself.

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I would die of joy if they did this…one can only dream!