Good day folks, making this thread mostly due to personal experience. I know that people will never agree what style of Spriest is best and should be molded after. This will be long post, sorry in advance.
Number tuning alone has the ability to make or break a spec. If a spec is broken, but not fun to play it will still get played. Meta is out there for a reason and I think it does have its place despite what we all want to think. The changes I’d like to recommend I have no hard numbers. I don’t think it’s in the hands of the player to be able to adjust the damage nob up or down.
That said I’ll add in high/medium/low damage for things that should have what I believe to be a secondary Benefit of using the spell.
So first things first.
- Remove Shadow Crash.
Probably my least favorite thing about the spec currently.
- It’s clunky.
- We asked for multiple charges, you broke it into two talents. (Something I’ll bring up later)
- It still gets stuck on random terrain.
- We’re still allowed to throw it onto some random tree by mistake. (While this maybe user error, I do think it should have a reduced CD if the spell doesn’t do any damage.)
In its place I’d like to introduce two spells that we have but forget about. Divine star and Halo. The following would replace the shadow crash talent.
Void star: throw a Void Star forward 30 yards dealing a low amount of damage. Coming in contact with an enemy inflicted with Vampiric Touch causes an explosion, that deals low damage and spreads Vampiric touch to enemies within 5-10 yards. 15 second CD. (Works with Misery)
insert cool name here: Expel a ring of void energy around the caster dealing medium damage and applying Vampiric Touch to all targets hit. 30 Yard range, 40 second CD. (Works with Misery)
Both these giving more control to the player and better management of the most important part of our kit, Our Dots.
- Make silence baseline.
Having to chose survivability vs interrupt is horrid game design. Or lost damage somewhere else on the tree.
- Un-Do the mass dispel change.
This one is 100% your fault for the amount of dispel-able debuffs in a dungeon pool. You’ve killed its PvP utility and 90% of the value it brought otherwise.
- Mind spike / Mind Flay shared talent node.
Let the player pick their flavor. I for one like MindSpike because it gives another school of magic while in PvP, but I understand many people don’t. Move the talent to the top of the tree and any talent that effects one should also effect the other.
- Mental decay should apply to all targets within 5yards of the target for DoT extension.
This is mostly if we’re stuck with shadow crash. Otherwise it maybe not be necessary.
- Vampiric Touch dispel protection.
It’s old and Dated. Whenever I heal PvP I just spam dispel all game because I know I’m seriously limiting the Priests ability to do damage. Rework it into a 12-15 second Healing Absorption debuff put on the Dispelled.
- Power infusion is priest only
Un-purgable and the recent nerfs reverted. I’m done paying the PI tax, I’m done listening to people argue who’s it’s better for. It’s my button let it just be mine.
- Priest mobility
- New ability Mind Swap: Change locations with your shadow fiend or Mind bender.
- Reverse life grip
- Door of shadows
- Fade with buffs: give it 3 seconds of freedom with protection from displacement. (similar to deaths advance)
I’ve said it before but evidentially is just doesn’t sink in. Blizzard has made fights that with perfect play by the player it’s impossible. Raszageth You’ve made it so every melee has multiple gap closers. And you’ve made us punching bags / dead weight that needs to be carried. (Literally, by the dragons) give us some impactful movement ability.
We don’t need two different sprint buttons we need real displacement.
- Casting our burst cooldown.
Omega lame. I believe we’re the only class that does this. Void form damage is negligible and shouldn’t be what’s holding us back.
- MS:I / MF:I
Spike should be instant cast. Flay should be castable while moving. Remove the timer for us to use them, now with them proc’ing less I’ve on occasion had to just lose my procs. Just feels bad.
Also after this tier bonus goes away I fully expect it to return to every cast of DP gives us a stack.
- talents
While it the tree has its ups and downs it just feels like you ran out of ideas. Shadow crash split into 2 talents. Maddening Touch and Dark Evangelism. Are the worst offenders.
There is probably many other things but these are just where I’d like to start. I don’t foresee any these things happening this expansion sadly. But I hope going forward we can iron out this spec that many of us call home.
Editing things I forgot annoyed me somehow. Dec/20/2023
- Shadow Crash able to be spell reflected.
- Shadow Crash hitting stealth’s targets not applying DoT’s.
- Allow us to again PW:S Psyfiend.