So even more issues with Shadow Crash.
The list grows ever more.
Cut out this troublesome rot of a spell, stop trying to force it to work as we are just wasting time and will keep discovering issues after issues.
So even more issues with Shadow Crash.
The list grows ever more.
Cut out this troublesome rot of a spell, stop trying to force it to work as we are just wasting time and will keep discovering issues after issues.
It’s hilarious because they literally had a talent in BFA that was just a better shadow crash. Just re-add dark void and change it to apply vampiric touch.
I did see that they updated it for TWW, I love it!
I don’t know any who wanted shadow crash or genuinely likes the design.
Bring back Cascade, bring back Mind Sear.
I’ll literally be the sp dev for free at this point, Microsoft doesn’t have to pay me just let us have fun on our favorite for once instead of always playing second fiddle to every other spec because herp derp 2 healer specs. Get a grip on reality that has nothing to do with shadow currently being a dps spec that brings gutted utility.
I thought people hated Mind Sear when it was in the game? Or am I misremembering that and people wanted other spells/utilities to help spread and maintain our DoTs?
Mind Sear was and has been a great spell for AOE.
However, several issues have come alongside Mind Sear over the years.
Legion ushered in the beginning downfall of Mind Sear imo.
Shadowlands made Mind Sear a pain to work with because of the entire Searing Nightmare talent mechanic where you only has access to it during Mind Sear’s “channeled” state.
The redesign of Mind Sear becoming a much faster casted spell that channeled its full duration very quickly allowed for less downtime when it comes to mobility. But the added insanity cost to Mind Sear now being a resource consumer and if not used at proper amounts of insanity resulted in almost a waste of a GCD because it would do none to very little damage.
I think both personally and what the devs probably thought was that it was too much to deal with / juggle on top of all the other aspects of both Shadow’s toolkit and the general Priest utility.
Mind Sear is a good spell for Shadow to have access to. But I think all the tweaks and tinkering throughout the years on top of the radical changes to Shadow over the last decade have at least for the time being, put Mind Sear on the backburner and just leave out of Shadows toolkit completely because I think they either didn’t know what to do with it or didn’t have time or the drive to make it work.
I think Mind Sear should first and foremost be added back into Shadows tree and be placed as a choice node with Psychic Link.
So how can Mind Sear become a fun button to press?
WoD Shadow Leveling Perk…
Mind Flay: Your Mind Flay deals damage 33.3333% faster.
tl:dr results…
It depended on the iteration of Mind Sear, really. Some expansions loved, others hated. Tethering it to a tank in WotLK worked out fairly well, once you dotted things up. Criticisms of its mobility issues aren’t wrong. Legion and onward had a stacking negative effect on Mind Sear’s performance.
Mind Sear wasn’t initially envisioned as a talent, so any iteration that made it a talent misunderstands its function, much like many base (earned by level) abilities are misunderstood in talent form.
I don’t think Shadow Crash is bad, but it does need some tweaking. Honestly, the fact that it misses is less of an issue than the long period between recasts. Groups move so fast that, even if it does hit, it won’t be up again for the next group. More like every other group.
I don’t want Mind Sear back so much as I’d like Shadow Crash better thought out.
No thank you, mind sear sucks. Just make Shadow crash better.
Remove travel time and make it instant, shorten the cooldown to give you some flexibility. Leave in the void crash option so you can choose to target off an enemy or off cursor.