I probably raided with you back in the day then. Was with those folks for a long time.
What’s up Kanji? Not sure if you remember me, but I played Rosstipher, an orc shaman. Hope you are well!
Dressed to Kill! Awesome people. Elissandre/Kamsanne here.
Sweet! What server you on now?
Bloodsail Buccaneers - I’m on as Chikorvis (Horde Warlock) or Breannen (Alliance Paladin) mostly. I have no idea if any D2K people are on, I think I have a few toons left in that guild though. I should look someday.
Toss me a bnet invite anytime - Kamsanne#1260.
Scaarr tauren druid here
played with too many to remember all the names
but i do remember guild names:
like Memento Mori Brigade, Exodus, Deepwater Pirates, Black Omen, Earth Guides, The Second Coming, Unguilded, Punk in Drublic, my own guild is: Abstract, that i created sometime in late nilla early BC that i basically filled with all my horde alts
i remember some alliance side guilds names from the tarren mill wars:
Archtype X, Shadow Federation(i think it was called), the RP guild that has been around forever and is still active, but the name slips my mind: The Meddlers, i think.
anyway, im on classic on Bloodsail Buccaneers as a tauren druid Muatahu, i think the name is, lol
Scaarr here, i used to raid with you all, i believe either on my tauren druid scaarr or my troll priest atomica. i remember all those names and you! fun times
Tossed! Days ago, lol. Work/life balance is still a work in progress.
I still have Aramalia and one other member on my friend’s list. We chatted, but neither one is in WoW Classic. Life and whatnot.
Ushkar, Rathekrel in Nightmare Legion. Oridin in Fated End. Eisha in Obsidian Blades, if anyone from A-side is looking here, too. Those are the characters I still remember after all this time, anyways. I ended up rolling on Grobbulus, and I know there’s at least a couple of us there.
Shockaloo here. I just fired up classic, haven’t played much though. Hoy, Evissa, Stormfurry and I all started up again. Haven’t talked to Mug, but most of us are still in contact in the real world. I don’t think Crazy and her Husband have started back playing though.
Noxial the Shadow Priest. Black Omen.
Played 2 notable accounts in Vanilla. Was in Exiled with my Orc Hunter Gwildona and In Black Omen on my Shaman - Levelity. I still remember the WSG wars against that dang druid tank on Alliance.
NOXIAL! Good times with you during WOTLK and Wintergrasp. Those were some of my favorite non Vanilla times.
I remember Amyranth the Orc female warrior. I worked with that troll mage that ran around with her.
I’m over on Bloodsail Buccaneers with Exodus and having a grand old time.
Nice to see so many familiar faces.
Anyone seen Kamhs?
I remember the name Scaarr. Nice to see you! You answered this ages ago too but the forums literally just gave me the notification for it… wowo.
I know I am replying months later but do you recall playing with an undead warrior named Dreskthil or an orc warlock named Khaim? Olvera sounds VERY familiar to me.
Hello all.
This brings back memories. I played Dithera with Exodus.
I was the undead mage officer for Exodus a few weeks after it started to BC/Wotlk. I also played WotlK as my blood elf priest Cynalis to clear Sunwell and Naxx with Exodus. I still stay in touch with a lot of Exodus members from Vanilla to Wotlk on Facebook and Discord. There’s a facebook group for the guild with a lot of guild memories and members.
If you were in Exodus or have memories of gaming together let’s connect. I probably know your player name still and have a ton of memories of that time and I love kicking over old Shadow Council memories. Reach me here and we’ll head to discord or whatever.
Looking for: Felfrost from Exodus (undead mage) and Shawen from Exodus (tauren druid), Dustfinger (undead rogue), Fuuleng from Devil’s Horsemen (undead priest), Murre from Devil’s Hosemen (undead priest), and Zukaoni from Devil’s Horsemen (undead mage).
Before my 4-5 years in Exodus I did one or two early ZG raids in Black Omen and Vanguard.
I was also in The Devil’s Horsemen for about 4 months with Zukaoni, Fuuleng (Kyklos), Subedai, and Murre who departed to Sisters of Elune. It any of the old Hawaii crew see this get in touch, miss the lot of you! [And I lost your contact info about 10 years ago.]
Before I switched to Horde I was on Alliance for about 6 months as Lanari (human warrior), and spent a lot of time at SS/TM along with some friends Elsinore (human mage) and Travarion (NE hunter), or running around the world with Archnues (human warlock), Ligea (human warlock), and Kyklos (human priest).
Across the battle field in SS/TM or WSG at the time when I was Lanari were mainly Black Omen. People I remember battling were Boro (undead priest), Till (undead priest), Horrorsoul (undead mage), Toliak (undead mage), Nightside (tauren warrior), Sasori (undead rogue), the 3 undead rogue trio, Crenshaw (tauren warrior?), Avatum (undead warrior), Necroferno (undead mage), Septemus (undead mage), Naivox (tauren shaman), and Ovtavis (undead warrior).
Some more friends I remember are: Dustfinger (undead rogue) [Tin Foil Hat Club], Nebelstern (human warrior) [Blades of Nephilim / Havoc Battalion], Saevus (undead warrior), and Petyr (undead warrior) and whose roleplay was always so excellent).
I remember a lot of people in this thread, especially Cavick always dueling outside Org and having a good time on the forums. So many good memories of everything here. Glad to see so many names and guilds.
[And Abikula and other Exos, I see you in this thread and I’ll msg ya ^_^!]
Hey! Dithera here What was your undead mage name? Good to see ya!