Shadow Council Horde Reconnections

This thread needs more haggard Pirates. I’ll help fill the quota. \m/ What server, also?

Prior to DWP, I was with UnGuilded. The only guild I took part in during Vanilla days was A Phoenix from the Raven.

Cadaverinc was, and still is, my main.

hey cavick, its Vampireon ,undead mage, this goes back a long time. nice to see your still around. give me a shout .

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Shellfish, what server are people leaning towards?

Melbo - is there collusion amongst Pirates for a server choice?

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Ryushi, Human Paladin.

Faction swapped to play with Black Omen after the rank 14 grind.


Couple years ago i logged into SC and saw him strangely, few others aswell

Raincaster (Tauren Shaman) from The Second Coming, just figured I would throw my hat in the ring since I’ve seen a few names I recognize


Tauren Druid
Black Omen

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Troll Warrior
Moltorium Unos/Star Crunch/Catacylsmic

i totally remember you and a few names you mentioned. I still have Skip (Dissco) on my friends list. Ziggy and Geo as well. For the life of me, i can’t remember what guild we were in together. Cataclysmic?

Makna Orc Hunter Bliss

Troll Warrior
Black Omen

Nightside, where are you? I need to my sitting buddie on top of the bank in Orgrimmar.


Seeing quite a few names here I remember. I tanked with Exodus throughout vanilla, then switched to Durindal the tankadin when BC came out, quit and took a hiatus, then rejoined the game with Valgasha/Agrivain in Ashes. Our crew eventually moved to Zul’jin in Cata, but I never really made close connections again like I did on ShC.

/wave Raincaster, Dorada


I remember you, Dorada! I think you got some flack for being really young, although you’re almost certainly now much older than any of the people who were being jerks to you.

Twinklebizz here. This thread is making me so happy right now. Vanguard. Exiled. Ruin. DWP. Black Omen. I helped a lot of people on the HWL grind. Still healing all the mans.


Exiled still exists as our alt guild! :smiley:


Yes! Cataclysmic was the name. Comfy was the guild master and he bolted the night that Naxx moved from EPL to Northrend. Ah! Good times, good times. I still have Dissco on my friends list too, kinda hoping he comes back for Vanilla times. What server did you end up rolling? I went Herod. Didn’t get my name, but got something similar.

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yes i remember you

cavick#1537 if you want to talk or whatever

I remember you too twink does mori still play